Friday, October 19, 2007
Last Tuesday I found out a wonderful surprise. What?!?! You want to hear it? Really? Well, OK!
Here it is! OUR THIRD ROBERTS BABY IS ON THE WAY!!!! Hopefully by the end of May/beginning of June we will welcome our newest addition. We are still a little surprised but so grateful that the Lord would bless us once again!
We would appreciate your prayers for a healthy pregnancy and baby! I haven't been sick, but just really, really tired...and I get pretty dumb while I'm pregnant, so if we are having a conversation and I totally forget what we are talking about right in the midst of it, please forgive me!! =)
Since yesterday morning our house has been full of little people! We are keeping Chris and Praise's twin 1 year olds while Chris, Praise and Brian enjoy Celebration North. I can say the last two days have gone by very quickly!
Kathy found out that we would have a full house and came over around noon Thursday to help out with a (much needed!) large coffee in hand for me! What a blessing! She stayed from noon 'til the kiddos went down for a nap! And all the rumors I've ever heard about her are true! She came with books and crafts and Reagan had an absolute blast with her! They made a pumpkin and an owl and played with shaving creme outside!
Today was pretty low key. I think I changed about a hundred diapers (exaggerating maybe just a little!), we took a walk - which went really well until Reagan skinned her knee about 3 cul-de-sacs away from ours, ate breakfast, lunch and dinner, gave one child a bath because they had a minor explosion, changed bed sheets because of another accident, hunted down four pacifiers - 2 are still MIA, played peek-a-boo, read books, and all were in bed by 7:15! Ahhh, what a day! I am whipped, but grateful that the Lord has given us and our friends such precious little gifts! They are a lot of work, but worth every moment!
During the month of September my mom and my nieces celebrated their birthdays! We were out of town for both of them, so when we got back we were able to celebrate with them out at my sisters house! It was so much fun getting together and hanging out. Reagan loves playing with her little cousins and it's so cute to see her fall asleep next to Emma...I actually can't believe that actually fell asleep this time. Last time we were over their they talked for hours!
Thursday, October 18, 2007
We are so grateful for the relationships we have. God has blessed us with such wonderful family and friends!
Has drawn to a close! All the little kids were so cute as they chased the ball in their big t-shirts, little shin guards and ponytails! Reagan enjoyed playing up until about the last 10 minutes every week. That's when the tears would start to flow! But at the end of that 10 minutes came her favorite part of soccer...snacks and drinks!!!! It was so fun watching her and her little friends play and run and pick grass! Ahhh...I'm already looking forward to next season!
Saturday, October 6, 2007
This past Thursday my sister from Alexandria called me around 4 PM with some terrible news. One of my best friends from middle school and part of high school and her family were in the midst of a situation that made my heart break as my sister gave me all the details she had at the moment.
Although I've lost contact with my friend Anna for years, I still think about her and her family - I spent so much time during those years with her and her brothers and mom and dad and have many memories of my time with them! In fact, I thought it kind of strange that on my ride back home last Monday from NC, in the midst of hearing Blues Clues for the 4th time, the Lord kept bringing Anna to my mind. I just spent time praying for her, wherever she was, whatever her life looks like right now. Only God knew what her week would hold.
See, her dad, uncle and brother Joey are all lawyers. On Thursday around 2 PM a man walked in to her dad's law office and shot everyone in the building. In a matter of seconds her dad, uncle and brother's lives were changed well as the lives of those who love them. Last I've heard, her dad and uncle received bullet wounds to the chest and are in critical condition. Sadly, oh how sadly, her brother lost his life. He had just stopped by his dad's office before picking up his 3 year old little boy to take him on a trip.
This family is known for their closeness and love for each other. Her dad is an honest man who does honest work and loves and cares for his family deeply. I have cried many tears for them as they are walking through this tragedy - for what they know and for the days and weeks of what is unknown.
I have found myself freshly aware that our days are numbered and we know not the time nor the hour that we will be taken from this earth. I have been freshly aware of how important the mercy of God is and grateful for His saving grace and forgiveness. I have been challenged to trust God even though I don't understand some of His very mysterious ways.
My heart has been so heavily burdened for this family and there is one thing I know I can do for them...pray. If you will, will you please join me in praying for them. I am asking the Lord to drench them with peace that supersedes all the thoughts that enter their minds and that He will bring comfort to their hearts. Also, as they work through doctors bills, the funeral, etc. that the funds will be abundant...that finances will not even be an issue for them to have to deal with in the midst of everything else. Please also pray that He will heal Camille (her dad) and Sam (her uncle) quickly and completely and give her mom strength during this time.
Since talking to my sister on Thursday, this song has been on my heart over and over and over again...
O God of love I come to You again
Knowing I’ll find mercy
I can’t explain all the things I see
But I’ll trust in You
In every moment You are there
Watching over, You hear my prayer
You go before me You’re behind me
Nothing’s hidden from You
How good it is
How good it is to be loved by You
How good it is
Bringing peace to me
You know my frame, You know how I am made
You planned all my days
Hand of mercy hand of love
Giving power to overcome
If all beneath me falls away
I know that You are God
Who can stand against us?
In my weakness You are strong
Your Word is everlasting
I will praise You faithful One.
There is much I do not understand. There is much I do not know. But one thing I am sure of and I have experienced through my whole life is that God is faithful. Of that I am sure. Even in the most trying of situations, God's merciful hand has been on my life and He has proven His love and kindness. I am trusting He will do the same for this family.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
7 AM, and our condo was shakin' this morning! Steve got the girls up and they had breakfast together! By 8:30 the girls and I were on the beach catching some sun and shells! The water was a little rough and the girls' healthy fear of the water seemed to disappear today, so we didn't stay at the beach too long! We went to the pool for a little while, but then Reagan had, ummm, should I say a difficult time, so we headed up to our room to work through things and regroup! We watched a Blue's Clues and got ready to go on a lunch "date"!
When I was little we would go to this restaurant that had fried pickles. I used to love them! Steve showed me a menu when I got here for a little place that has fried pickles (along with fried everything else!) so my mouth has been watering since I saw the menu! So the girls and I went there for our little "date". We had so much fun! The girls had fried pickles, fried mushrooms and fried pickles! (Along with a very cheesy grilled cheese sandwich and French fries!) Everything was great and the service was wonderful! We just took our time and laughed and laughed and laughed. We sure did wish Daddy-O was with us, though!
By the time we got back home, I thought the girls would be worn out, but they weren't! (It must have been the cake with the yummy chocolate topping!) So, I put Sydney to bed and then Reagan and I grabbed our own rocking chairs on the balcony and read our books!
It was so beautiful outside that I packed up a picnic and we had dinner on the beach! The girls just couldn't stay out of the ocean! By the time we were done they were both soaked! They were so cute!!
Ahhhhh...It's off to relax for a little while!
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Well, I think the pictures say enough about today! The girls had a blast! They were in bed before 7 tonight! They were so tired by the end of the day! The little boy in the pictures is their new little buddy for the week, Carson!
Psalm 100
Monday, September 24, 2007
Here's where we are staying! It's lovely! I couldn't take pictures of the girls room because they're asleep, but their room is very "beach condo like", too! Reagan loves it because there are Nemo fish all over her bed!
We've had a great day so far today! As you can tell, I'm enjoying having my computer back, although all I've done with it is catch up blogging! The girls and I were at the beach by 9 AM and played in the sand for a couple of hours! We met a lady with her two year old and her Mom down there this morning and had such a fun time with them! Sydney even ventured out today and played with her sister in the sand. The beach is so wide and it is so cool how there will be little pockets of water all up and down the beach. The girls (and I!) love that we don't actually have to go down to the ocean to get a little wet! I forgot to put my card in my camera, so I don't have any pictures from this morning! Then we cooled off in the pool and enjoyed tater tots for lunch. (Don't worry, we had some other stuff, too, but the tater tots were the hit item!!)
So, after lunch I put the girls to bed and went outside to read. I came back in and heard quite a bit of chatter...not totally unusual, just louder than normal!! So, I quietly turned the doorknob and this is what I saw...
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Saturday we woke up to beautiful weather! As soon as Steve left we loaded up all our stuff (well, at least all I could think of at the time) and made our way to the beach. Try to visualize this...
One mom, a 3 year old, a one year old, a large beach bag with sunscreen, towels, etc, a brown paper bag full of beach toys, a camera bag, two swim rings, a baby float, a beach ball, and I think that's it. What a sight to behold, huh?!?!
We made our way down the elevator and to the beach. Once down there Sydney whined, and whined and whined. Poor girl, she fell right in the sand and then wiped her eyes and got sand in her that point (about 8:40 AM) she was done! Reagan loved the beach and found a couple of friends to play with. Thankfully their mommy and daddy let us visit with them under their tent! Sydney calmed down a little bit and then I realized I forgot all snacks and drinks! Once again, thanks to the lovely couple with the tent - the other mommy broke out a bag of pretzels! Sydney was happy once again!! Then we headed for a nice refreshing swim in the pool. Reagan decided at that moment she was in no mood for a swim. After working with her, we headed upstairs to call it a day! (It's about noon now!) We all went down for a good nap...something we all needed! The girls were challenging all day, and by that evening I was in tears, too! Thankfully Steve got home around 7 and we all went for a walk on the beach. It was wonderful having time to talk with him and be encouraged and reminded of the Truth by him that evening.
Also, all day, even though I was battling with my own impatience and anger, the Lord kept reminding me of this verse:
"This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24 grateful I am that we serve a merciful and kind God. How grateful I am that He is faithful to forgive me when I ask Him. How grateful I am that He is allowing me to train my children to see their sin and experience freedom from having a guilty conscience by leading them to the cross through discipline and repentance. Even after our challenging day, we were able to walk on the beach as a family - healthy, happy, and loving each other all the more!
So, Friday we woke up to cloudy skies and cooler weather. Steve woke the girls up early so we could all spend about an hour together before he had to leave for work. (That's our game plan - up at 7 AM so we can see him before his long day at work!) Then we went grocery shopping (woo-hoo) and played inside. I bought the girls little pumpkins for them to decorate so Reagan enjoyed drawing on both hers and her sisters! We enjoyed the indoor pool and the girls took a nice long nap! I devoured the new Mahaney girls book on time. (I highly recommend it, by the way!) I am really asking the Lord to use this time that I have away to really hone in on some areas with the girls. It's nice not having many distractions and being able to work with them more and have lots more game time/play time, too!
We stopped for breakfast at Chick-fil-a and lunch at Cracker Barrel and that's it! I couldn't believe we didn't have to make any other bathroom stops! Thanks to Dena and the many DVDs she lent us, I hardly heard a peep from the backseat! We arrived at Topsail Island around 5 PM and got all settled in before Steve came home from work. Our place is pretty nice! We have a two bed/two bath condo on the beach! I've been sitting out on the balcony reading during the day and we've enjoyed a beautiful, quiet beach and a sweet indoor pool! The girls are sharing a room and from the amount of chatter that I can hear at nap time and bed time, I believe they are enjoying themselves!
My computer broke (my new one this time) the day before I came up here, we have no phone in the condo, and my cell phone gets no reception here at the condo, so I've had lots of quiet time and have been able to rest when the girls do and have been able to add some extra exercise to the day!
So here is the adorable view I was able to see as I looked in my rear view mirror on the way up to NC!
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Friday evening began with worship and a message by Brent Detwiler. The entire theme of the conference was on reconciliation - our reconciliation with the Lord, with one another and there was even a specific message and time of ministry for teens and their parents. Brent spoke on justification and election, Danny spoke during our missions night (which was amazing by the way!) and Jerry Cisar gave an outstanding message on peacemaking amongst one another. They are all messages I want to hear again and again! By Monday afternoon I felt like I had sat down at a table that was set with a feast and I felt like my heart and soul were fed morning, noon and night!
We were able to spend so much time as a family, which for me was a huge blessing especially during this season. With Steve traveling so much and trying to finish up school, it was nice to have time with no work, no school, no yard, etc.! We had an absolute blast watching Reagan running around more hyper than we've ever seen before! Her favorite part of Celebration...staying in our "new home" - the Days Inn!!!! She also loved her class, making crafts, singing worship songs, watching the puppet show, racing Brianna, the popsicles, having a pop tart for a snack, and swimming in the pools!
OH, and I know I never finished posting while Steve was gone this last trip! My computer is growing old and losing its steam! Hopefully my new one will be here in the next 2 weeks! (Hopefully sooner!!) I'll try to post when it is working!
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Oops, I forgot to post last night! Yesterday we kept it low-key again during the day. When JJ got home from work she let Reagan help her make chocolate chip cookies and pancakes!
So, during a very loud thunderstorm we had the Perfect Pancake Picnic! We had gingerbread pancakes with this super yummy cranberry, apple & something else sauce on it. Let's just say "OH MY"!! It was a lot of fun and Reagan really enjoyed it! Sydney started eating more, too, which I was grateful for last night!
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Reagan likes looking at different blogs with me and when I explained to her that I am posting lots this week so her Daddy can keep up with us, she wanted to send him a "note"!
The girls are eating dinner right now and Reagan is going to tell me what she would like me to post. Here goes. These are her original words!!! =)
I Love When My Daddy...
ummm...plays with me
ummm...I like when he eats dinner with me
and I like when he plays something new
I like all those things.
ummm...I like when he watches movie with me. I like it when both of ya watch a movie with me.
I like when he ummm plays with me.
I like when he giggles with me.
I like when he gets me donuts.
I like when he teaches me to swim and when he splashes me.
I'm all done with Daddy now I want to blog you.
Ummm...I like when you read me a story.
I like when you help Sydney.
I like when play with me and make dinner because it's so good.
Ummm...I like when you put me on a movie and stuff and make lunch.
I like when you put me in the bed.
So that's all about mommy. =)
I like when Sydney plays me and that's all about her.
This is an action shot inside the cockpit of the trainer...