Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Jordyn - 19 Months!
Here's what she's doing and how she's changing this month!
- She says "Dog, Hi, Bye, Mama, Daddy, Sissy, Roar"!
- She's obeying a lot more quickly and passing out less!
- She's cruising around furniture and walking behind her little push toy!
- She likes to be tickled!
- She loves cookies at Publix and driving the car cart!
- She climbs up the stairs!
- She has a super funny laugh!
- She's waiting to get 4 more teeth!
Dinner for My Honey!
So, here's what we had!
Crab Cakes with Lemon Dill Sauce (Paula Deen)
Steak wrapped with Garlic Herb Butter and Spinach
Cheese and Wine Risotto
Roasted Asparagus
And of course, Chocolate Chip Cookies and Milk!
(Will add pictures soon!)
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Making a House Our Home!
On Friday, November 20th we closed on a home with beautiful potential in Woodstock, Georgia. It's an old farmhouse with a huge porch, a barn, a pool, a cool mudroom, beautiful trees, a little over 4 acres, 7 bedrooms, 4 1/2 baths, a keeping room, kitchen, family room, formal living and dining rooms, lots of junk in the yard, all kinds of fruit trees and who knows what's yet to be discovered! We have been so blessed! We were able to get a great deal on it, but it needs a ton of work! It has so much of what Steve and I have dreamed of in having a home and although the work it needs can be a little overwhelming at times, we are so grateful! We are grateful for all we get to learn through this process. I am grateful in thinking ahead in how we will be able to use our home to serve our family, the church, guests, etc.! I am grateful that this is one of the hardest things that Steve and I have ventured on and how it is teaching us to trust God more, be more intentional with our time, allowing us to see God's faithfulness and giving us opportunities to meet new people and learn so much. It is teaching me patience and contentment.
So, in 2 1/2 weeks since closing, here is what all has been done so far...
A new roof
20 out of 30 new windows have been installed
Reagan and Sydney's bathroom has been demolished (almost all the way)
New tub has been put in their bathroom
Stairs to master bedroom have been demolished
Ceilings in both girls' rooms and in family room have been scraped of popcorn
Ceiling in master has been scraped of popcorn
More wallpaper than can possibly be imagined in one house keeps being discovered =)
Wallpaper has been removed in both girls room
Drywall has been removed in Reagan and Sydney's room
New drywall is up in their rooms
Carpet has been removed in Jordyn's room...off the wall!
Carpet was added throughout the house so we could close, now it's being removed again
Trees have been trimmed around the house so roof could be put on and so it will be ready to be painted
Trim and ceiling in family room has been primed
New fans are up in family room
Electrical is repaired in Jordyn's room
2 new hot water heaters are in
Tons of phone calls have been made
Supplies have been bought for the new stairs
I have paint colors picked out for all the rooms we' hope to paint before we move in
Thanks to the Battaglias, Nick Campagna, Matt from work, Mom and Dad, Scott Snyder, Brad Miller, Kim Pfaller who have so kindly served us over the last couple of weeks. We are so appreciative.
We've had some great workers so far, too. If anyone in this area needs any kind of work done on your house, I can give you some great recommendations!!
This Psalm has been on my heart this last week and has been so helpful!
Now for some pictures!
Monday, November 2, 2009
Yummy Caramel Corn!
5 quart freshly popped corn, unsalted (1 C unpopped popcorn)
1 cup raw peanuts (found in the produce area of the grocery store)
1 cup butter or margarine
2 cups firmly packed brown sugar
1/2 cup dark corn syrup
1/2 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
Combine popcorn & peanuts in a lightly greased roasting pan; (I use the big disposable aluminum kind because of room to stir in) mix well & set aside.
Melt butter in a large saucepan. Stir in sugar & corn syrup. Bring to a boil; boil 5 minutes stirring occasionally. Remove from heat.
Stir in soda, salt & vanilla.
Pour sugar mixture over popcorn mixture, stirring until evenly coated. Bake at 250 degrees for 1 hour stirring every 15 minutes. Cool & store in an air tight container.
And She's Off...
Oh, she is saying "uh-oh" now when she "accidentally" throws something down and loves to roar at her bear!
Friday, October 30, 2009
Traditions and Convictions
When I was young, I totally enjoyed dressing up and going door to door for Halloween. As a teenager I remember helping with a creepy haunted house. I remember being Dorthy, a little angel, a red crayon - nothing ghostly or scary, just cutesy little costumes. I remember friends spending weeks decorating for this holiday. I look around our neighborhood this year and see some people have gone all out decorating - lights and ghosts, witches, etc. In the stores, I've heard people talking about Halloween in most conversations I've passed the last couple of weeks. In Costco the other day a man came up to the girls asking if they are ready for Halloween and what they are going to be. Reagan sweetly said we don't celebrate Halloween. The man looked at me like I was this awful Mom with 3 heads. He said "They are probably the only kids in Atlanta who aren't going to be celebrating Halloween." The response in my head was "that's fine", and for that I'm grateful. See, God is helping us to train our children, but He is also at work building my convictions and helping me with my fear of man. This year Reagan is old enough to ask (many) questions, and she's had quite a few about Halloween. Our sweet little neighbor girl has asked her about it, the children in Sunday school are all excited about it...so why don't we do it? Well, Steve and I have both had convictions about not celebrating Halloween.
Last year we bought a pumpkin and carved it and Reagan asked why we carved a jack-0-lantern if we don't celebrate Halloween...hmmmm...we weren't expecting that question, but it was a good one. We don't want to confuse our children, and often times we are so persuaded by our culture or long time tradition. This has provoked me to really seek God on what He has for our family. It's provoked me to talk to my children and encourage them that Daddy and Mommy love them so much, and love God and we are going to lead our family in the way we believe He would have us walk. That means we aren't always going to do what our friends do, but just because we do or don't do it, doesn't mean that if they do or don't do it means that they are doing anything wrong. For me personally, I believe Halloween to be a dark holiday that does nothing to benefit my walk with the Lord. There are many other days we celebrate throughout the year, so this day is easy for me to give up, but I'm grateful for our little ones and how having them has challenged me to think about why we do what we do on a regular basis (which I should be evaluating anyways!). I don't think we are "super spiritual" or superior in any way for not celebrating Halloween, but I simply believe we are obeying God in what He has for our family. I believe that He wants to see how we are going to stand on our convictions when we are tempted to fit in or please man, even in the smallest of areas.
Here is a quote from Al Mohler on Halloween and a few links to some articles in case you want to read more on the history of the holiday!"The coming of Halloween is a good time for Christians to remember that evil spirits are real and that the Devil will seize every opportunity to trumpet his own celebrity. Perhaps the best response to the Devil at Halloween is that offered by Martin Luther, the great Reformer: "The best way to drive out the devil, if he will not yield to texts of Scripture, is to jeer and flout him for he cannot bear scorn."
On October 31, 1517 (what is now known as Reformation Day), Martin Luther began the Reformation with a declaration that the church must be recalled to the authority of God's Word and the purity of biblical doctrine. With this in mind, the best Christian response to Halloween, might be to scorn the Devil and then pray for the Reformation of Christ's church on earth. Let's put the dark side on the defensive."
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
A Sunny Fall Day...
Visit from the Traugotts!
First Science Project
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Berry Patch Farm
Now I need to go and figure out what all I'm going to make with my pumpkin!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Riding the Ferris Wheel with Reagan!
Watching Steve be a goof ball as he rode one of the many rides that went in a fast circle!
Watching the girls go from ride to ride and go on them all by themselves!
Petting all the different goats, chickens, sheep, etc.!
Eating corn dogs, cotton candy and fried oreos!
Seeing Reagan's face as she flew down the slide on the potato sack! (She looked as though she
was going to wet her pants!)
Remembering the fair is NOTHING like Disney World!
Listening to two little girls still talking about how much fun they had that night! =)
PS Thanks again Kim for watching Jordyn! She had so much fun with you guys! =)
Jordyn's 15 month check up (at 16 months!)
Here are her percentiles:
Length - 31 inches (56%)
Weight - 21 lbs (24.5%)
Head - 58%
Monday, October 5, 2009
The Townsends and The Church
I asked Alisha and she said I could share her testimony here...
How great though Art.
“O Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder, consider all the worlds they hands have made. I see the stars; I hear the rolling thunder. Thy power throughout the universe displayed. Then sings my soul, my savior God to the, How great though art, How great though art.”
My daughter, Sarah, was diagnosed with stage four, Rhabdomyosa
In my mind I saw the hand of God holding stars. The hand opened and the stars filled the sky. Then I heard a question. Which is easier, to place the stars in the sky or to heal Sarah? I said, “But what are you going to do?” He said, “I am going to heal her.”
The next night as I was walking in the halls, I heard “How Great Though Art” playing over the speaker. From then on out, it became my theme.
One of the major lessons that I learned through this trial is that the Lord is my keeper. I memorized Psalm 121 and said it often. “I lift my eyes to the hills. Where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.”
I could tell so many stories of how God kept us, but today I would like to take the opportunity to tell you how he used the church to keep us.
Instead of listing out the hundreds of people who served us, I would instead like to ask all who served by praying, feeding, cleaning. Laundering, calling, organizing, mowing, giving words of encourageme
To paraphrase Elyse Fitzpatrick
We were brought hundreds of meals. Our laundry was done for months while we were in the hospital. Our yard was mowed for weeks. Our house was cleaned every week for almost a year. When I say cleaned, I mean top to bottom, no stone left unturned, clean. When we were home, Sarah was normally nuetropenic
Mary, Denise’s daughter, came with Denise most weeks to help clean. She folded laundry, cleaned glass, and cleaned the kids’ rooms. She also played with Sarah, made her cards, and brought her presents. Sarah loved to come home after Mary had cleaned her room because Mary posed her dolls and set up areas for Sarah to play.
Elyse Rawlson probably has no idea how much she served me personally.
In addition to the physical help, we received monetary help along the way. As you can imagine, the medical bills added up fast. We have what you would call “major medical” insurance with a relatively high out of pocket expense each year. I am amazed to say that we have not paid a single penny for Sarah’s major medical expenses for two years now. I would say that we have received over 12,000 dollars in donations from you and others.
I am equally amazed to say that Sarah is in remission. Nothing is impossible with God and I am grateful that He chose this route for Sarah and am grateful that He placed us in this church. Thank you Lord, and thank you church.
House Update!
My friend Jenn emailed this quote on impatience to me. As I've thought about it multiple times today I am even more aware of how impatient I am...I want to know where we are going to live...now. I want my children to do what I want them to do...now. I want so many things right now. How grateful I am that the LORD is so patient with me! How grateful I am that He sees each moment of our day and He has them all planned out perfectly!
"Impatience is a form of unbelief. It's what we begin to feel when we start to doubt the wisdom of God's timing or the goodness of God's guidance. It springs up in our hearts when our plan is interrupted or shattered. The opposite of impatience is not a glib denial of loss. It's a deepening, ripening, peaceful willingness to wait for God in the unplanned place of obedience - and to walk with God at the unplanned pace of obedience. To wait in His place and go at His pace." (John Piper, Future Grace)
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Could This NOT Be The One?!?!
We both really like the house. We also like it's location and the land that it's on. We both have vision for it and at this point would even still look for ways to keep the process going. On the other hand, we really want to be seeking the Lord. A friend went by the house today and looked through it really well and just cautioned Steve that there may be a lot more work than we think. This could be God's way of protecting us from a major money pit, too!
Also, we have to give our notice to the rental company for the house we are in right now in October. We know the Lord knows exactly where we are supposed to settle, we just need wisdom!!! Even if we don't get this house, I'm grateful for the conversations that Steve and I have had about undertaking a big project together. I am grateful for what it's revealed in my heart. I'm grateful for the home we have now and that Steve takes such good care of us and is seeking to glorify the Lord with our finances! So, we could be house hunting instead of shopping for floors this weekend, but that's fun, too!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Could This Be The One?!?!
Yesterday we put an offer in on the house. Today they countered. We agreed to the counter with the addition that they remove ALL the "stuff"! So, now we are waiting again! We have to have an inspection and if everything comes back A-OK, it looks like we could be closing in 14 days! Then we have loads of work to do before we move in in January!
Here are a few details:
It's 4 sided brick, 1 1/2 stories
It's on about 2 1/2 acres and minutes away from the church property and Lake Alatoona
It's got a huge pool!! (Which right now has a bush growing in it!)
It's got character and needs a lot of care!
Here are a few pictures we took when we went to look at it yesterday. We didn't get as many as I thought we did - none of the bedrooms, bonus room, bathrooms, porch or pool. Hopefully I can get some soon! Please be praying that God will give us wisdom and that the remodeling would be able to be done well and finished by the time we need to be out of our house we are in now!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
My Baby Has Turned Big Girl!!
It's hard to believe my sweet baby doesn't have hair that stands up on end anymore, that she outgrows shoes faster than I can blink, that she can empty the dishwasher, and that she started school this week. OK, I'm getting a little teary-eyed...let's shift gears! =) She did wonderful! She's a fun little girl to teach, too. I have to admit, I feel a bit overwhelmed that I am teaching my daughters school, but I am also grateful that God has laid it on our hearts and given us faith to home school our girls. Reagan learned her vowels this week, had a spelling test (one of the words was "a" =)!!), had great conversations about Bible, read some books, and practiced math and handwriting. Her favorite so far is math! We are doing a four day work week, so Fridays are reserved for play!
Sydney and Jordyn did really well, too. Sydney sits in for some of it and the other times she does puzzles or plays with different toys. Jordyn takes her morning nap during most of R's "school day"!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Are We Fighting For Our Marriages??
Monday, September 14, 2009
Visit from Mama!
Mama, we love you and are so grateful for you!!! Thanks for coming to visit!!