Saturday, June 13, 2009

Trial #8

A few weeks ago Steve listened to a message for our care group's guys meeting. It was by Mark Driscoll from Mars Hill Church on Men and Marriage. I've heard of Mark Driscoll but had never heard him speak. Steve had quite a bit to say about the message - as did quite a few of the other men around here.

Mr. Driscoll is very passionate on men being men and caring for and loving their wives. Honestly, his message could be quite offensive, as is anything that challenges us towards holiness and Christ-likeness and blows a wound to our flesh can be (his "tone" is quite different from messages I'm accustomed to listening too). He challenged the men. He defined different men. He preached the Gospel.

Now Steve could have listened to this message, talked about it in men's accountability and that could have been the end to that. But he didn't. He came home and told me about it and then he went even farther. We watched it together and then he asked me questions about how he's doing in light of what I heard in the message. I am grateful that the Lord has given me a husband who desires to grow and change - and I have seen much growth in him over the last 6 or so months in particular!

Listen here if you dare!

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