Saturday, June 20, 2009

To You From Me!

Happy Father's Day, Steve!

You are the Daddy I dreamed of my children having. You are strong and gentle and funny and patient. Thank you for training our girls. Thank you for playing with them and making them laugh. Thank you for giving them hugs and kisses and tucking them into bed every night. Thank you for loving them so much that you take time to discipline them. Thank you for doing fun things with us and that our family is one of your highest priorities!

I know it is a lot of work many days and I am sure there are times you would much rather be doing something other than playing house or littlest pet shop, but God is being glorified by how you are investing in our children. And those little girls respect and love you so much! Thank you for getting up with them every Saturday and Sunday morning and feeding them breakfast while I have a few extra moments to get ready for the day. Thank you for random Slurpees and treats. Thank you for family worship time and snuggly movie nights. Thank you for taking Reagan on dates. I hope you are the only one she dates before she meets the man of her dreams!

I hope and pray that you will be so blessed on this Father's Day! I hope you are overwhelmed by the gifts God has entrusted you with and that they make you laugh today!

Love you, babe!

P.S. I don't have any of the 2009 pictures on my computer so these are only through last year and when I put these up they went into some wacky order and you got home before I thought you would! But hope you enjoy looking back at some of your "daddy moments"!

1 comment:

Ann said...

Love looking at all the pictures. What great memories you have. The pictures really paint a vivid view of God's blessings on your lives.
Love you all!!
