Monday, June 22, 2009

Family Time and Celebrating Father's Day!

Friday night we had a fun family night with the girls! We just signed up for Netflix, so we've been catching up on some movies! We had homemade pizza and pepperoni rolls and I ran and picked up Slurpees for dinner and then we let the girls stay up late, snuggled on the couch and watched Wall-e!

Saturday was pretty mellow and Jordyn was actually happy and fun all day!!! She is starting to laugh more and want to be involved with what we are doing!

Sunday we had fun celebrating Father's Day! I made some pretty sad chocolate chip muffins for breakfast...but hey - I did make breakfast! =) After church we went through McDonald's (we haven't done that in a long time) and after lunch we put the girls down for a nap and Steve played Xbox for a little while! Then we went to the pool and had some fun! Eric, Ansleigh and Hannah met us down there and Steve and Eric had fun racing each other on the water slides. It was actually pretty funny watching these two big guys going up and down the slides! I took Jordyn and Sydney home a little early and the guys stayed and played with the "big girls"! Then Brande came over with the other two babies along with David and Cindy and we had a good steak dinner!

Ahhh...I love weekends like that!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mama says....Sounds busy AND fun!