Thursday, July 31, 2008

Is Sam Really Alive?!?!

NO, he's really not, although Reagan came up with quite a story about him yesterday. See, Reagan doesn't have to nap. She just has to rest during the day with the exception of Wednesdays. Wednesdays we are usually out in the evening and the girls are up late, so she has to sleep those days if she wants to stay up and play. Well yesterday during her nap time she came out of Jordyn's room (where she naps in her little princess sleeping bag!) and had a story to tell. See, I went up there and a table was knocked over - which had several different things on it including a lamp. I asked her what she did (she should have been well asleep by this time) and she said she was sleeping and that Sam knocked over the table. If you have not had the privilege of meeting Sam, let me tell you about him. He's very small, very stinky, and has been Reagan's favorite little bedtime buddy for years now. She loves him dearly. It's probably the only thing she has that she doesn't willingly share (and if you've seen him, you wouldn't necessarily ask her to share him with you!). BUT yesterday, she turned on him! The love was gone when she knew if caught she would be disciplined. Let's just say Sam was not the one to get in trouble!!!

The girls were a challenge all day long yesterday - jumping off the bed, coloring on the high chair (now it's nice and black), arguing, whining, complaining...BUT the grace that we need for each of our days is always available. Many days I don't seek out that grace, but yesterday I could see God's hand working not only on their little hearts, but my heart as well. We had many, MANY trips to my room, but they were precious times with the girls. It gives me the opportunity to share the Gospel with them over and over and over again. I love that I don't even have to leave the house to be in the mission field. Do I grow tired? Oh yes, but when my perspective is on the Lord, I may be tired at the end of the day but not weary! Today we worked through the same issues, and I'm sure we will tomorrow as well, but it's worth all the hard work and it's so cool to see the Lord answering my prayers!! (One of them being that the girls will be caught if they try to be deceiving, so I thanked God after Reagan told me Sam knocked over the table - there was not a doubt in my mind she was not being honest!)

So, tomorrow we begin again! I can't wait to see those little faces and hear what their creative little minds come up with!



Anonymous said...

Oh, that I may have that same attitude every time we must disipline!!
I had one of those days the other day, too. But in His graciousness the good moments outweigh the ones that need discipline!!


Praise said...

Thanks for your example. It was so helpful to hear again the perspective I should have in these challenging (yet WONDERFUL)days of raising little ones. Oh how I want to grow in pursuing and receiving the grace God makes available to me each day. I, too, have had some difficult days with the kids this week and found your post very encouraging. Love you!