Monday, July 21, 2008

It's a Date!!

Today Reagan and I were able to step out of the house for a little "date"! It was so much fun!! She has been asking for months to go to Starbucks and she LOVES to color, so we packed our little bag and headed to Starbucks for drinks, coloring and of course, talking!! She wanted hot chocolate - it really didn't matter to her that it's 100 degrees outside and we were sweating just from walking from our van to the store!! I wanted to try the new banana/chocolate smoothie! Well, we got all settled and began coloring and we had our one little mishap of the day...she spilled her cup full of hot chocolate all over me. But did that stop us from having fun??? No way!! Thankfully I had on really dark jeans, so I gave her my drink and got another one! She was so upset, but it gave us a good opportunity to talk about accidents. We talked about what she learned in Sunday school, who she is playing with these days when she goes to class, what her favorite things are about her sisters and daddy and mommy. I had such a wonderful time with her. It was good just to break routine and spend some one on one time with the little munchkin! After Starbucks we had to run home so I could change pants then we went to Target and grocery shopping. What a fun afternoon! Hopefully next week Sydney and I will be able to go out!


Anonymous said...

Mama/Grannie says...what a special treat for both of you! Glad you had fun and I know you & Sydney will have a good time next week....when is it my turn????????

Ha! Ha!


Jennifer Lightfoot said...

what a foundation you are laying for the next couple of decades, meghann! when she's 14 instead of 4, you will have built such a relationship through times like these!! i pray you are encouraged even now with fruit coming from your dates with your munchkin!

(auntie jenn :o)

Medana22 said...

I absolutely love that you had someone take your picture! What a memeory:) I think Tay and I could use some starbucks! Yum:)