Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Today I put the girls down for their nap - they nap separately. So, Reagan went into Jordyn's room to rest as I tucked Sydney snug in her bed. Our before-nap-conversation went something like this:

Mommy: Sydney, it's time to take a nap.

Sydney: OK Mommy!

Mommy: Sydney, are you going to obey Mommy and stay in bed.

Sydney: (Imagine an adorable, high pitched two year old voice saying) Yes Mommy!

Mommy: OK, what happens if you don't obey?

Sydney: A discipline.

Mommy: Night-night. I'll see you in a little while.

Sydney: (Again, in a high pitched little voice) Love you, Mommy!

Ah, and the house is quiet. For about 20 minutes. Then I hear a crash-boom-bang and a little girl sounding like she is having a ball! Did she really think I couldn't hear her? She was quite proud of her little mountain! Let's just say after the picture she was "encouraged" to quickly go to sleep!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think Sydney is taking after me... LOL.. What do you think?
