Thursday, July 24, 2008

Jordyn is 2 Months Old Already!

Our little Jordyn is adapting quite well with all of us! She doesn't mind her sisters pulling on her toes or giving her tons of hugs and kisses throughout the day. She is quite content to hear the clanking of Hungry Hippos and the quaking of Lucky Ducks. She is looking around and is more aware of what is going on. Oh, and she is SmIlInG and has even cooed a few times!! Her screaming is definitely getting louder, but she doesn't do it too much! And, guess what?!?! She slept from 11 o'clock last night until 7:20 this morning!! I'm not sure if that's just God's grace since I've been sick for over a week or if she is really starting to sleep through the night! Either way, I'll take whatever I can get!! I take her to the doctor next week for her 2 month check up and the 5 shots that come with it. We are looking forward to see what she's weighing these days - her cheeks sure are filling out!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, it will be fun to see how much she weighs now. She is getting cuter and cuter everyday!
