Friday, August 1, 2008


What a common saying for the working world! Thank Goodness It's Friday! If I were working out there, I would have probably been claiming those words today. BUT I don't. I'm here. Pretty much 24/7. And it's been a long week. It's been a wonderful week. It's been a hard week. It's been a week that has revealed more of my weakness and more of God's strength. More of the corruptness of my children's hearts and more of the power of the Gospel. More of my sinfulness and more of God's great forgiveness. Today at 5, I wasn't leaving "my job", I was continuing in it - making dinner, setting the table, filling sippee cups. At 7:30 I wasn't vegging on the couch unwinding from my day; nope, I was tending to little girls who were supposed to be drifting off to sweet dreams who instead had to go to the bathroom one last time, were jumping on the bed, pulling covers off each other, and even trying to pull the other one off the bed. And I have no idea what time little Jordyn will decide she needs to eat tonight. And please don't hear what I'm not saying. I'm not complaining. There are many times I am, but I don't think I am right now! As I struggled through wanting a break today - I mean a real break - like laying on the beach by myself with a good book, a magazine and no sand being flung on me or going and just having fun - I mean adult fun - not play-doh kind of fun, I kept being compelled to read a book a friend recommended to Steve and I last week. It's called Do Hard Things by Alex and Brett Harris. It's geared towards teens, but as I've almost read through the first 3 chapters I am well aware it is for me, too. On a side note, their brother - Josh Harris - wrote two books that had incredible influence on my life about 11 years ago and I am hopeful that this book will have the same life changing effects on my life. How kind of God to give these guys vision and the ability to communicate! I am reminded that my boundary lines have fallen in truly beautiful places. I mean, it's so fun to watch Reagan draw a picture for our neighbor who is in Alaska until October. It was so cute - a garden full of flowers, 3 clouds and a sun. Then, she turns around and draws a big scary monster for me. Her imagination is crazy! And, to see Sydney jump every time the jack-in-the-box popped open. To hear her snort because she was laughing with Reagan so hard at dinner. To be able to look at Jordyn sleeping in her swing and growing by the moment. To be able to catch her smile and coo. Truly, truly, my boundary lines have fallen in beautiful places. Do I sound like I'm trying to convince myself?!?! Well, I probably am in some ways! This week has been one where I have been even more aware of having to die to my desires in order to obey the Lord. I need to remind myself of TRUTH daily. This is my reality. My daily, wonderful, tiring, hard, sweet, repetitive, interesting reality!!!


Dena & Derek said...

Wow- honey it sounds like we need to go out for pedicures. I'll e-mail you! :)

Anonymous said...

Mama thankful you are able to stay home with your little ones and not have to do all of that work on top of working out of the home for 8 hours a day! You ARE blessed. Your diligence and obedience are truly seen in your little ones.


P.S. - let me know when you & Dena can go and I'll baby-sit for you!

Jennifer Lightfoot said...

wow. i am so grateful for your example! i hope i'm like you when i'm in your season!!

love you!