Tuesday, August 26, 2008

3 Months Old!

Yes, our baby is 3 months old already! And boy, is she getting cuter and cuter! She is so aware of what is going on around her...I don't know how she couldn't be with her active sisters constantly dancing around her!

Jordyn is smiling and cooing and actually looking at us! She's rolling on her side and starting to hold on to her little toys and blankets, burp cloths - whatever she can get in her grip! She started taking bottles a couple of weeks ago and she's doing great with them! Oh, and she loves the mobile above her crib.

This week I started having "floor time" with her and her sisters. Before nap time we lay a blanket down and the girls each go and get one of Jordyn's toys to play with her with. They have gotten so excited about this time of the day!!

Lord, thank you for these precious girls. Thank you for making Jordyn a part of our family. What a joy and a delight she is!


Anonymous said...

Aw...I love that slide show!! So adorable!!
That book sounds great. I'll have to put it on my "books to read" list.

Anonymous said...

Mama/Grannie....I can't believe Jordyn is already 3 months old! Love the pictures.