Sunday, January 16, 2011

10 Fun Weekend Memories...

10. Playing Don't Spill the Beans and Don't Break the Ice with the girls Friday night.

9. Watching Robinhood with my man after the girls went to bed.

8. Sleeping in on Saturday morning.

7. Having the Snyders come over and play and visit all day on Saturday.

6. Going through magazines and getting organized Saturday night.

5. Having everything ready for Sunday morning before Sunday morning.

4. Goodnight kisses from tired little girls.

3. Reading for extended amounts of time.

2. Going to church on this morning and being encouraged by Truth and being able to worship with friends.

1. Having lunch with friends after church.

oh, and a couple more...

Being able to go the gym and run a mile in 7 min. 15 sec., making dinner with the girls, putting clean sheets on my bed, and watching Little House on the Prairie with the girls before tucking them in for the evening! =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And what a wonderful way to end the weekend....sweet little girls to tuck into bed with lots of kisses!
