Monday, December 6, 2010


Today I woke up and went to the gym while it was freezing cold outside and started the day off by seeing two of my dear, sweet friends!

Today I watched 6 little girls play and listened to them giggle and be super good mommies to all their little babies!

Today I started reading The Gospel for Real Life and Shopping for Time.

Today I wrapped presents and excitedly opened packages that came in the mail today that are special gifts for special people!

Today I talked to my sister and mom on the phone to talk about Christmas!

Today we ate little gingerbread men at lunch and I watched all the little girls...and Luke =) nibble away one part at a time!

Today I was surprised by my sweet hubby when he came home from work with a Slurpee and dozen red roses in his hands for me!

Today I enjoyed eating dinner with my family and the Hartmans, realizing that this time next week they will be in the process of setting up their new home.

Right now I'm listening to 3 little girls laughing hysterically as their daddy entertains them before he prays for them and puts them to bed!

Today has been a good day!


Nikki said...

That is a good day! :)

Anonymous said...

Actually, it sounds like an amazingly GREAT day to me!!

Glad you have so many wonderful joys in your life.
