Thursday, December 2, 2010


With Thanksgiving just passing us by, of course gratefulness has been on my brain. We have so much to be thankful and grateful for, yet so often I find myself complaining about something. Most of the time it is something really, really dumb. Dumb or not, complaining is always sinful. And where there is complaining in my heart, there is a lack of joy. Several days ago I came across a blog through a friend's blog and wanted to join with my friend and others in pursuing looking for joy.

The holidays can be a stretch for me. The busyness, the planning, and the wanting to do all the extras in the midst of all of the "we-have-to-dos". Because of God's grace, I want to grow. I don't want to be so busy that I miss my time with the Lord or miss the gifts of joy He has placed around me for His glory and for my enjoyment, so that's what's on my sidebar.

This month I'm going to LOOK for 100 joys. Hopefully I'll see hundreds more than the hundred. I know they are there. Our Savior is so gracious, so kind, so extravagantly good that they have to be there. So often I'm just not looking for them. So, now I'm looking. And I'm seeing. Which leads to rejoicing and gratefulness. And smiles. And joy. And growing in joy is what I have been pursuing since January, so what a fun way to end the year!


Amanda said...

what a great idea! If i can get my tush in gear I'll join you in this! Complaining has certainly been a much more present temptation since getting pregnant.
I love reading your thoughts again! HOw I miss you dear friend!!! Now I'm gonna cry!

Debi - The Romantic Vineyard said...

Hey Meghann - Praying your joys are unexpected blessings! Love you bunches, Dear!
