"Happily for us, however, our reconciliation to God is permanent and eternal. Because Christ accomplished it for us, there is no possibility it can ever be undone. Though we continue, even as believers, to do those things that in themselves deserve God's displeasure, we can never revert to a state of divine alienation. For the sake of Christ, God will always accept us. And even when God deems it necessary to discipline us for persistent disobedience, He always does so out of love to restore us to the way of obedience (see Hebrews 12:4-11)...He not only saves us from sin's guilt and consequent alienation, He also delivers us from sin's reign and continues to work to progressively free us from sin's activity in our lives. However, in the midst of God's work and our struggle with indwelling sin, we must always keep in mind that our status of favor and friendship with God is always, and ever will be, based on the objective work of Christ for us as our representative and substitute. We have been forever reconciled to God through the death of His Son."
Friday, December 17, 2010
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Due to Inclement Weather...
once again, His plans were not ours!
I've been so excited about hosting our Care Group's Christmas party at in our home. I've struggled a little this year with missing the familiarity of the long standing friendships and family in Orlando. I've missed the parties and dinners and baking days and shopping trips that have been associated with the people we love dearly - especially that would happen this time of year. So, planning and preparing for the party last night was exciting for me! Reagan and I went out around 3 to pick up wood for the fire and cut holly for a centerpiece for the table. Then around 5 I went outside and I couldn't believe it...there was ice on the driveway! Then I looked out the front window to see traffic at almost a stand-still! Seriously?!?! By 6, I made myself come to the reality we were going to be eating a lot of cookies by ourselves tonight. And I was disappointed. And I tried to have a good attitude. But for a few minutes I didn't. I told Steve I just didn't want to plan and look forward to anything because it seems like God just doesn't want me to do the fun things we plan. I know, I know...boo-hoo.
Steve graciously corrected me and encouraged me. (I love this guy!) And then God quickened my heart to a piece of Scripture I've held near this year..."The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps." (Proverbs 16:9) Sure, I missed seeing all my friends last night and having fun and celebrating Christmas with them, but I was grateful they were all home safe, too.
And instead of pouting, God gave me the grace to change and enjoy the rest of the evening! Reagan, Sydney, Jordyn and I read about the 3 Wise Men and about Stinky Feet (their favorite story from the Jesus Storybook Bible) by the fire and then we watched cartoons before bed. Then Steve and I were getting ready to eat cookies, drink hot chocolate and play Scrabble (he really was trying to help me =)!) when he had the idea to bring some goodies out to the people who were desperately trying to get home. Now that was fun! It was fun to see the surprised look on the man's face when he got an unexpected treat. It was fun to help two ladies who had pulled over and had been sitting in their cars for hours because they were both scared to drive on the ice. It was wonderful to be able to bring them to our house so they could go to the bathroom and have a drink and something to eat. God knew those ladies would need a place to be refreshed last night. That has been my desire for our home. That people would come in and be refreshed. No matter how little or long they stay. And last night, once again, He answered that prayer - even if it was just for a few minutes! Then we played Scrabble and Steve beat me, but once again God showed me that even when His plans aren't my plans, He never changes and He is always good and worthy to be praised. So, I will keep praying and keep planning, but I'll hold those plans loosely, too. Knowing that even though I plan it is He who truly orders my days.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
It's a Couple of Weeks Before Christmas...
and this is what's going on at our house...
*We are done with school 'till the New Year!
*Cristina made gingerbread men, women, girls and boys with the kiddos. We have been enjoying them and all their decorated deliciousness!
*We are enjoying our fireplace when we can actually get the logs to catch fire!
*The house is decorated with wreaths and garland, stockings, gifts and trees!
*We are enjoying reading through the Christmas story and my sis gave me the great idea of using our Little People Nativity to draw the kids in during the story. It's so fun to watch them "be" the different people and animals!
*Tonight we are joining Barry and Cherry (our sweet neighbors) at FBW for their big Christmas production. I'm dressing the girls up and after we eat our soup and hot bread, we'll be on our way!
*Fun gifts have been almost completely found for family and friends, now the baking needs to begin!
*We have barely been outside. This Florida girl has still not adjusted to this cold North Georgia weather! Although, I did go to Publix the other day when it was 30 degrees outside with just a long sleeve shirt. I can't stand layering and unlayering ever time I go to a store!
*We are hosting our Care Group Christmas Party here on Wednesday night!
*Next weekend we'll have our family Christmas and then pack up for Florida!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
I Didn't Escape the Bug...
I thought I made it through all the sickness and cleaning up...that is until the wee hours of this morning. Then it hit. Over the last couple of hours I have been so blessed by my husband who has taken care of me so well. He immediately called into work and told them he needed to take care of the kiddos today, he's checked in on me and brought me refills of Sprite. We just talked about growing in compassion and it seems like after we have conversations like that good opportunities are just around the corner!
AND then Cristina offered to watch the girls so that Steve could go and work. Cristina who is helping her husband and preparing to move in a few days. Who has plenty to do on her own. But I hear them downstairs making Gingerbread cookies and laughing and having fun. I definitely wouldn't choose to get sick. Especially in December - less than two weeks before we leave for Orlando, but again I'm glad my plans aren't His plans. I'm thankful that I can rest today and get well quickly and that my girls are having fun and aren't having to sit in front of movies all day!
Monday, December 6, 2010
Today I woke up and went to the gym while it was freezing cold outside and started the day off by seeing two of my dear, sweet friends!
Today I started reading The Gospel for Real Life and Shopping for Time.
Today I wrapped presents and excitedly opened packages that came in the mail today that are special gifts for special people!
Today I talked to my sister and mom on the phone to talk about Christmas!
Today we ate little gingerbread men at lunch and I watched all the little girls...and Luke =) nibble away one part at a time!
Today I was surprised by my sweet hubby when he came home from work with a Slurpee and dozen red roses in his hands for me!
Today I enjoyed eating dinner with my family and the Hartmans, realizing that this time next week they will be in the process of setting up their new home.
Right now I'm listening to 3 little girls laughing hysterically as their daddy entertains them before he prays for them and puts them to bed!
Today has been a good day!
Sunday, December 5, 2010
When His Plans Are Not My Plans...
What a full, fun weekend we had planned! Friday we were going to go to the zoo, have dinner with friends and go to a meeting for church and the girls were excited about going to their friends for the evening. Saturday there were birthday parties and Lowe's projects to attend and a parade to go too, but God in His perfect planning had a different agenda already worked out for us.
Friday morning as I was getting ready for a fun day, I put on one of my new sweaters! I was greeted by my sweet Sydney - as I am most mornings - saying she needed to go to the bathroom. I was carrying her back downstairs when she got sick - all over my new sweater =) - and thankfully, the wood floor. Thus began a day of constant cleaning and caring for 2 sick little girls. Thankfully it was a fast and furious little bug and was done within a full day.
Reagan was upset about missing out on our fun plans (as was I), but I am so grateful for the opportunities this weekend allowed. I was able to talk to the girls about God's sovereignty and His perfect plan. God gives us good things. Actually, He always gives us what's best for us. Always. It may not always be what we want, or what's fun, but His care for us is planned out and specific and He loves us more than we can imagine. So, even though we were looking forward to fellowshipping with friends, celebrating birthdays, listening to the Word being preached on Friday night, etc., God's plan for this weekend was what was best to tend to our hearts.
I was amazed by the grace I experienced on Friday. See, I've never done well with throw up. Ever. Usually if someone else is sick, I can not even stand to be near them. But I experienced so much grace in caring for my little girls and cleaning up after them. I wasn't tempted to complain, but because God had already laid it on my heart to look for JOY, I was looking and again, He showed Himself faithful! Rarely do I just sit with the girls for extended amounts of time. We enjoyed a 4 hour Little House on the Prairie Marathon, I held them and rocked them and loved on them ALL day and well into the night. What precious time (even if there was a lot of yuck thrown in there, too)!
I am also amazed by how God sustains friends of mine and family who are regularly sick or care for those who are. As I cared for my sick children for one day, my heart was quickened to pray for the ones I love who are caring for sick babies or children or parents or spouses. It amazes me how He provides so much strength for those who need it, when it is needed!
So, this weekend wasn't all fun and games, but I'm grateful. Grateful that God is allowing me to rest and trust that I'm not missing out on things when walking in His will and plans for my days.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Thursday, December 2, 2010
With Thanksgiving just passing us by, of course gratefulness has been on my brain. We have so much to be thankful and grateful for, yet so often I find myself complaining about something. Most of the time it is something really, really dumb. Dumb or not, complaining is always sinful. And where there is complaining in my heart, there is a lack of joy. Several days ago I came across a blog through a friend's blog and wanted to join with my friend and others in pursuing looking for joy.
The holidays can be a stretch for me. The busyness, the planning, and the wanting to do all the extras in the midst of all of the "we-have-to-dos". Because of God's grace, I want to grow. I don't want to be so busy that I miss my time with the Lord or miss the gifts of joy He has placed around me for His glory and for my enjoyment, so that's what's on my sidebar.
This month I'm going to LOOK for 100 joys. Hopefully I'll see hundreds more than the hundred. I know they are there. Our Savior is so gracious, so kind, so extravagantly good that they have to be there. So often I'm just not looking for them. So, now I'm looking. And I'm seeing. Which leads to rejoicing and gratefulness. And smiles. And joy. And growing in joy is what I have been pursuing since January, so what a fun way to end the year!
Since June 22...
June 22 seems like a very, very long time ago. Since then I fell off the blogging world wagon and right now I am finding the desire to run and catch it! I've kept up with Facebook, posting pictures and updates, but how I wish I would have kept my thoughts here - in one clean little nook on my computer. But that's okay, today I start fresh. Today I am hoping to begin adding the funny and thoughtful parts of our days so that when I want to remember the hilarious words that spill out of Sydney's mouth or the sweet encouragement from Reagan, or the picture of a moment that says more than words can express, I can just pop on here and see it again. Also, as I look back over former posts, I am overwhelmed with God's faithfulness, provision and kindness and I want to keep seeing that - over and over and over again!
So, quick recap.
Over the summer, we had 8 consecutive weeks of company. We love being able to share our home. We love having people here - laughing, playing, talking, and praying together. Listening to little people try to fall asleep even though they are so excited they can barely stand it! Trying to fall asleep ourselves because some visits are just too short! We are so grateful for all the friends and family who have been here over this past year and look forward to many, many more guests!
The week after our last summer visitors, Ben and Cristina and Luke moved in with us! It has been a uniques season having dear friends stay with us. Having a friend in the house during the day to talk to has been wonderful! It sure is going to be a lot quieter in a few weeks when they move into their own beautiful new home about 30 minutes away!
We haven't done much work on the house since the summer. A little painting here and there, and a lot of yard work. Steve is amazing at cutting down trees, hauling things away, etc, etc. I truly think he can figure out how to do just about anything!
The girls and I have loved getting to know our neighbors better. They are so sweet and Mrs. Cherry has watched Sydney and Jordyn and Reagan several times for me during the day to run errands or take Reagan to Timothy.
Reagan has lost 3 teeth this month alone. She's lost 5 all together! I love, love, love to see her smile! She saved her "tooth daddy" money and went to the American Girl Store this week to buy something for her Kit doll!
We spent time in Orlando a couple of weeks ago to celebrate Amy and Kaleb's wedding! It was so fun being able to be a part of the wedding week and day! I can't wait to see all the pictures. Of course, Amy was a stunning bride! Steve was able to spend the week before with Danny in Greenville while all of us girls did fun things like shopping, planning, pedicures, etc! The girls were thrilled to be flower girls and are still talking about the fun they had!
We've been hiking, playing, working and enjoying life. I find my days go by way too quick. As I write so many memories flood my mind - so many highlights of the last few months - but I think I should probably just start fresh (again).
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