Wednesday, April 8, 2009

A Quick Visit!

The other day one of my new sweet friends called to see if I wanted to go with her and a couple of other ladies and lots of little children to visit an assisted living facility down the street from our house. So yesterday the girls made adorable little cards, some of the other children did, too, and one of the moms bought eggs and filled them up with sugar free candy! The children were so sweet! They talked to and hugged everyone and gave them their cards and candy! We were only there for about 40 minutes, but I really think the children were a blessing to all we visited! When we were leaving they were asking us to please come back again! Oh, and before we left the children sang 3 songs (that was pretty funny!). They sang Father Abraham, Jesus Loves Me and Holy God. It was precious! I wish I could have gotten my video camera to work! Oh, and I don't know what in the world I did to my camera, it must have been on the wrong setting, and I was holding Jordyn. Soooo...I did get some pictures, they just aren't that great!

Oh, and I can't wait to celebrate our Savior's resurrection on Sunday!!! Praise God that He sent His one and only Son to take away the sins of the sins, your sins, all sin! Praise Jesus that He rose from the dead and gives us everlasting HOPE!!

OK, now I really must pack and clean!!


Janelle Morrison said...

ADORABLE. I love this!

And is that a french braid I see in Reagan's hair?!

Anonymous said...

Mama says....What a GREAT idea. Those "old-er" people really do love having visitors. Hopefully you will do it again and not just for holidays....they are so lonely. I know A. Gladys would enjoy having a group of children visit where she lives!