Friday, April 3, 2009

Melodye spoke at the Mom's Mtg. at Metro in March. I listened to her message on Friday and can't wait to listen to it again. (I highly recommend listening to it...especially if you have young ones!! You can go to the Mom's Blog link that is on the sidebar to find it!) OH, and I just glanced over to the site and all the posts are wonderful - encouraging, convicting, etc., but I noticed that today my friend Jenn has joined the team of bloggers over there. If any of you don't know Jenn, she is amazing. We've been friends for 12 years and I have watched her serve the Lord, grow, change, make super embarrassing comments ::wink, wink::, make me laugh until I thought I was going to be sick, encourage, serve, serve, serve...she is real and godly and a wonderful friend! Make sure to check out her post!

Here is just one of the quotes from her message. My friends who are mommies with little ones, I hope you are encouraged today and find much peace in the fact that our God who holds the world in the palm of His hand is also caring for the hearts of your little ones!

“Don’t let the mundane get you down. Right now in your home, there may be dishes piling up, pesky socks that don’t match, a potty training set back, lunches to pack, and a long list of things to do. We start thinking that our job as mothers is little more than one menial job after another. Don’t forget that today has also been full of monumental opportunities. Did you take advantage of them?

We face moral issues today as adults that our parents and grandparents did not face nor dream of facing. What will our kids be forced to deal with then they grow up? How will they possibly be ready to know how to respond? They will respond by building today upon what they learned yesterday. We have absolute truth found in God’s word alone and as we impart that day by day, little by little, we are being used by God to equip the next generation.

One, Motherhood matters because it’s God’s idea; because he wants us to train the leaders of tomorrow; and because he has lots to teach us as moms as we allow him to teach our children with excellence. When you hit the pillow tonight, take great joy in knowing that you can work on matching those socks eventually and finishing the project you started months ago. More importantly, God allowed you to impact your children today as only you can, and tomorrow is another fresh opportunity to be an even better mom to the glory of God alone. May God raise up an army of believers who will change tomorrow’s world. May our children be leaders in that army.”

Mary Mohler

1 comment:

Janelle Morrison said...

Meghann, YOU are an amazing mom.

The way you love your girls and serve them; your incredibly consistent training, your cheerful responses, your hugs and kisses and "Good Job!"s. Spa days, cooking recipes together; the way you prepare them to greet Steve with love when he walked in the door from work (guess he's not doing that right now! how cool!). I have learned so much from you, and CONTINUE to learn- either by your blog or simply remembering what took place and how when I lived with you guys. I miss the way you keep your home. I miss your counsel. I miss your love for hospitality and your amazing willingness to be inconvenienced to bless someone else.