Friday, August 10, 2007

15 + Months!

Sydney is about 15 1/2 months old now...where does the time go?!?! She is so much fun these days! Her funny little laugh reveals her many teeth that have all decided to pop out at the same time! She is walking around everywhere and even beginning to allow her sissy to twirl her around! I love when her Daddy gets home and she squeals and makes her way to him as fast as her chubby little legs will get her there! She loves to eat and bananas are her favorite. Although she is not talking YET she is beginning to become quite a babbler! Also, she is beginning to really like reading and will actually sit still through a story during the day. She gives the best big, slobbery kisses and is so ticklish!

At night when I go to check on her and her sister when they are all snug in their beds, and I have time to just look at them and reflect on the day for a few minutes I get overwhelmed by the goodness of our Lord.

Oh, and tonight she had her first ice cream cone! Let's just say she didn't need any instruction on how to eat it! It was gone in a matter of minutes!!


Anonymous said...

The "smiley" photo reminded me of your mom!
Can you believe that Emilyn still isn't walking. We catch her taking a few unassisted steps, then she decides to plop to her knees and speed crawl. She also only has 4 teeth still!!
But she's a babbling queen too, and speaks with such "meaningfulness!"
Glad you're enjoying your girls, too! Aren't girls SO much fun?!

Anonymous said...

Yes, with her "babbling" she even says Peek-a-boo, I discovered while she was spending the night with me last weekend.
