Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Oh Can It Be?? Is She REALLY 3?!?!

She is! Yesterday Reagan turned a whoppin' 3 years old! She was so excited when she woke up she could hardly stand it! We had a really fun day. Around 11, Tish, Madeleine, Ainsley and Emma came over for lunch. The kids played in the sprinkler, on the swing set, in our "jungle" and even spent time looking for our black racer named Skinny! We had pigs-n-a-blanket (or as Madeleine liked calling them - hogs-n-a-comforter), cheese doodles, and cupcakes ...mmmmmm... so healthy! =) Reagan was able to open her presents from her cousins and a couple from us. I think her favorite in the moment was her Dora the Explorer outfit from her cousins. As you can tell in the pictures, we even let her wear it to dinner (it was a major pride killer for me, but she's only 3 once, right?!?!). We went to Fazoli's for dinner with Mama, Mom and Dad, Grandma and Tia! Then it was home again to open more gifts. We've been enjoying all the new and fun toys today and are looking forward to playing again tomorrow! =)

Reagan is such a little joy. She has definitely begun trying us and trying to push her limits, but I am thankful to God that she does respond to us. It may take all day disciplining, but she is still responding! We pray together everyday that the Lord will soften her heart and that she will respond to the Gospel early on. She is growing so quickly. Sometimes I just want to freeze time and keep her little, but then again I love seeing how she grows and what she comes out with next!

Oh, and she can say the Pledge of Allegiance all by herself now! We only need to work on the word "liberty". For some reason she thinks it's "liverty"!


Jennifer Lightfoot said...

Happy Birthday, honey!!

You are such a big girl and mommy and daddy love you so much! I'm glad you had fun at all your birthday parties! I bet you got lots of presents and are having fun playing with them with Sissy!

Love you sweetie!

Auntie Jenn

Medana22 said...

Awww! What a fun day! Happy Birthday Regan:)P.S. I like the family picture:)

Anonymous said...

Grannie says....

Reagan, your birthday party was so much fun! You are a treasure! I loved hearing you laugh so heartily at dinner, and watching you open your presents.

Meghann, I just love all your pictures. Really like the one of the girls sitting side by side at the beach.

Am glad you are making such wonderful memories AND sharing them with everyone.


Tammy said...

What a delightful little girl she is. And what a wonderful family she has!!