Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Two Front Teeth!

Our little Jordyn girl turned 10 months old on the 20th!

Yesterday I took her for her check up and she is doing great! She weighs 20 pounds and is in the 60th percentile for height and weight and about the 80th percentile for her head. I can't believe she's just in the 60th percentile for weight - she sure seems huge to me!

A week ago she cut her first two bottom teeth! (I tried to get a picture, but she didn't really cooperate!) She is jabbering a lot more now and is eating table food! She likes bananas, green beans, sweet potatoes and cheerios a lot. She did not like the chicken! Her big sisters keep her occupied and she does great during the day until about 5:30 - then she is very fussy! I'm grateful for seasons! I know she won't always scream through dinner! I gave her her first sippy cup of water yesterday and she seemed quite intrigued by it! She likes to swing at the park and go for walks. She can army crawl when she wants too...usually she'll just sit in one place and not move for long periods of time! Then she'll roll on her side and just stay there. It won't be long, though, and I know she'll be trying to keep up with her sisters. Oh, and she's a great splasher in the tub and loves to jump in her entertainer! I put her in the grass the other day and she did not like that one bit. She waves hi and bye and Reagan is convinced that she says "mommy". I haven't heard that one yet, though!!


Janelle Morrison said...

I cannot believe it was 10 months ago that she was born- doesn't seem possible.

She's ADORABLE! I'm so looking forward to hopefully making a trip to see you guys!!!

Anonymous said...

Grannie says....I agree, Meghann I would have thought she was in a higher percentile for weight. She's sooooo cute. Can't wait to see her and hold her!