Saturday, March 21, 2009

Georgia on My Mind!

It's been almost 2 whole months since we've been in our new house here in Georgia. Two whole months! Let's see, so far I have really been enjoying it up here...the only thing I haven't liked has been when it's cold and rainy! I know I've said it before, but I have been overwhelmed by God's grace. A line to a song that I really like goes like this "I want to be where you are my God..." and I know He is everywhere all the time, but I believe with all my heart this is where we are supposed to be right now and He has given us so much grace and peace throughout this transition. Yes, I get sad and miss family and friends, but how grateful I am for telephones and email and Skype and cars and planes!!

The girls are growing like weeds! I mean Reagan is getting so tall all of a sudden and is reading anything she can get her hands on. And she is actually wearing the knees out of some of her pants. She loves sliding on our wood floors and she's pretty adventurous at the park. She has been doing her chores and making new friends. I gave her a little haircut the other day because she kept bugging me about cutting it. Everyday she'd ask if I'd cut her hair and I just thought it was because all her little friends have these cute little haircuts. Soooo...I finally ASKED her why she wanted her haircut and she said it was because it was getting so long she didn't want it to get in the potty when she went to the bathroom! So, needless to say I gave her a good little trim! =) Also, Steve took her on a date on Saturday. He took her to Red Top Mt. and they went hiking. When she got home I asked her about it and what she liked about it and she said excitedly said she found a shiny earring on the trail! Steve couldn't believe THAT was what she was so excited about...what a girl!!

Sydney is talking up a storm! Thankfully we have Reagan to interpret for us! She keeps me laughing and on my toes! She loves her baby dolls and playing pop beads. (Side note - my girls dressed me up with pop beads this morning before we ran to Target. I totally forgot that I was wearing them until it was just about time for us to leave. Even ran into a neighbor. Real cute!)

I'll update on Jordyn after her doctor's appointment tomorrow! I'm a month behind on her check ups and I'm excited to see how much she has grown!

Oh, and we had a wonderful overnight guests this past Saturday night! Kathy, Jenn and Steph stayed the night Saturday night! It was so much fun to be able to see them - and talk the night away! =) Thanks for the treats, ladies - y'all are too sweet!! We've been enjoying them and the M&Ms have found a hiding place but I'm sure they won't last long!


Ann said...

Oh my goodness, those girls look so
big. Sure do miss you all. Can't wait to see you everyone. Give them lots of hugs and kisses for me.

Love you, Mom

Anonymous said...

Grannie says....Ditto to Ann's comment! They look like they're dressed for Florida instead of cold Georgia.....maybe that was one of your warmer days???

Looks like Reagan & Steve had fun on their date....also like a fun place to go sometimes.

Miss ya'll....hugs & kisses to all.


Amanda said...

We went camping at Red Top when Isaac was 10 months old...maybe we'll go again soon :)
Jordyn sures looks like her mommy! What a cutie! Miss you so much!

Janelle Morrison said...


Jennifer Lightfoot said...

aww, it was SOOOOOOO fun and i cant believe it's already been over a week!!! i cant wait to see y'all in a week. :O) love you!!

p.s. it was good talkin this a.m.! :o) i haven't read my chapter yet. ;)