Sunday, February 8, 2009

Weekend Fun!

The weather cleared up and it was gorgeous here over the weekend! Friday Dad came up with another truck load of stuff for us, but we've barely touched it! Before he made it here, we took the girls for a little hike on a trail in our neighborhood. I bundled them all up - I mean 2 undershirts each, sweats, hats and mittens - thinking it would be freezing, but it was actually pretty warm. One day I'll figure out to check the temperature outside before getting everyone dressed!!

The hike was fun and the girls seemed to like it. Reagan kept saying we were out hunting! We found a little creek that had ice covering it, a couple of birds' nests and a big fallen tree. That was about the extent of it! It was great to get outside, though! Steve and Dad unloaded the truck and then drove around for a little while and then we went to a really good BBQ place right down the street from our house. They even had fried pickles!! I was a little nervous about taking Jordyn after our last restaurant experience, but she was so good!

Early Saturday afternoon Dad had to leave, so when Steve got back home from the airport we took the girls to the park in our neighborhood. They had so much fun! Reagan was more fearless than I've ever seen her before. I think Steve being there and encouraging her to climb higher, etc. helped her a lot, too! Sydney liked the little slides and baby swings! Reagan wants to be bigger than she is, and Sydney doesn't seem to want to grow up. It's so funny to watch them. Over the last few months, though, I can really see the Lord growing their little friendship with each other. Over the last couple of weeks I've been amazed at how much they have loved on each other and played with each other! Jordyn loved the little swings and was happy to even just sit in her stroller and watch the girls! OK, here are some pictures!


Anonymous said...

Surely looks like ya'll had a fun day. Good idea to layer those clothes. Love all the pictures.


Medana22 said...

Oh Honey...Jordyn looks bigger already!! We really miss your sweet faces:) Thanks for posting the pictures... what would we do without the internet?? Love you!