Sunday, February 8, 2009

Bible Reading

So, Reagan came up to me on Saturday morning and told me she found something. Hmmm...I asked her what it was. She said she found a song in the Bible that David wrote and then she read it to me. The entire Psalm. I couldn't believe it. I think that's probably a moment I'll always remember. So we had a sweet talk about how the Bible is the best book we can read and how God is faithful to write His Word on our hearts when we read and study Scripture.

Later that evening she wanted to read a Psalm to Steve and Dad. So she did. After that she very confidently turned to another book of the Bible - the Song of Solomon - and told us she wanted to read that book next. I couldn't help but just laugh! I had just read C.J.'s chapter he wrote about the S.O.S.

Let's just say we sent her back to the Psalms!! =)


Anonymous said...

How precious!! I'll bet her grandpappy enjoyed hearing her read from the bible, too.


Amanda said...

Reagan never ceases to amaze me :o) I don't know how you're going to home school her! I miss you so much, wish we could take a hike with you guys!

Anonymous said...

These are the moments that mommying is worth mommying for...
and the great thing about homeschooling is if they can read like Reagan, they can learn so much independently beyond what a school or you can teach them. I know, I have one in my house and she is teaching ME all the time!
We pray these things 'stick' in their hearts, don't we!
Love, Cherilyn