Friday, September 5, 2008

Out of the Depths

I just love the words to this new song off of the Sovereign Grace Psalms CD. Here it is...

Out of the depths, O Lord, I cry to You
When I am tempted to despair
Though I might fail to trust Your promises
You never fail to hear my prayer
And if You judged my sin
I’d never stand again
But I see mercy in Your hands
So more than watchmen for the morning
I will wait for You, my God
When my fears come with no warning
In Your Word I’ll put my trust
When the harvest time is over and I still see no fruit
I will wait, I will wait for You
The secret mysteries belong to You
We only know what You reveal
And all my questions that are unresolved
Don’t change the wisdom of Your will
In every trial and loss
My hope is in the cross
Where Your compassions never fail

And here is a quote from our Ladies Retreat that I have been thinking on this week..."We bring nothing to our salvation except our sin that made it necessary."

It's amazing to me how the LORD chooses to rescue us. He chooses to rescue us when we are not looking towards Him or running towards Him - He rescues us as we are running from Him. He loves us so much that as we grow in our walk with Him, the Cross doesn't grow smaller and dimmer, but bigger and brighter. It's amazing how our past is no match for the cleansing blood of our Savior!

This week one of my friend's brothers whom many, many people in our church have prayed for for years was rescued! The LORD wooed him and he surrendered his life to the Creator, the Redeemer, our Savior! I will never cease to marvel at His kindness towards His people!! And my sweet, dear friend, I know I told you earlier this week, but thank you for how you have loved your brother through these many difficult years. What an example you are to me in so many ways!! I know you are enjoying welcoming your brother home!!


Kelly said...

that has been one of my favorite songs the past few weeks... whenever i am tempted to despair... i run to my ipod and turn it up super loud.

Jennifer Lightfoot said...

i do as well! it is amazing how easily we find ourselves there. i love having something that immediately pulls my gaze back to my Saviour.

meghann... :o)

Janelle Morrison said...

Rejoice Rejoice Rejoice!