Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Enjoying Today!

Well, I've just about come to the conclusion that Reagan is now beginning to be a little girl. She is getting taller and losing her "baby fat", she is learning so many new things, she loves talking on the telephone and this morning she asked if she could have one of her friends over to play! In so many ways I wish I could freeze time and keep her just the way she is right now (well, most days!), but on the other hand I look forward to seeing how she changes with each new day and what God has planned for her life.

So, today I decided I didn't want to just be the Mom behind the camera trying to catch all the little details, but I wanted to be enjoying the details with her! We've had so much fun playing in sprinklers and licking Popsicles and reading books and pretending to be in a band with our pianos and play drums! This morning I woke up looking forward to this summer day as much as I did when I was a little kid! It's so easy for me to forget on a day to day bases how fast these days are going to fly by, but when I do I so enjoy when I just take time out of "my schedule" and totally enjoy my little girls!

(OK, so I had to step behind the camera a couple of times today!)

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