Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Quotable Quotes!

Today has been a cleaning day, which also means lots of time for thinking! I enjoy multitasking, so being able to clean and think is actually fun for me! (I know, I'm weird, but finding pleasure in the mundane is necessary or else cleaning becomes quite a chore!) I was reflecting today on several quotes I've heard over the past couple of weeks and how they apply directly to my life. Here is one of them!

1. Carolyn Mahaney on her GirlTalk Blog shared yesterday about glancing through a magazine on display in a waiting room. The theme of the particular issue was "Planning Your Dream House." Here is what Carolyn had to say...

"As I surveyed the glossy pictures of these gorgeous homes I began to imagine what my dream house would look like—situated on the waterfront, with a large front porch and plenty of rooms for my children and grandchildren to visit.

After a moment or two of fantasizing, I came to my senses. How quickly I had been drawn in by the worldly, self-centered agenda of this magazine! As a Christian woman, my “dream house” shouldn’t be one of mere aesthetic beauty, or luxurious comfort. Rather, I should aspire to have a home like the one Peter Marshall once described as possessing “an atmosphere in which it was impossible to keep from thinking of God.”

I want those who live in and visit my home to experience peace, order, beauty, joy, and laughter—all reflections of the gracious character of our Savior. Now that’s a house worth dreaming about—and working for!"

Wow! How easy it is for me to become discontented in thinking about how I would like for my home to be decorated or how easy it is for me to be tempted to see what others have and desire to have what they have - thinking that would make my home more beautiful and comfortable. Thanks to Carolyn, I have been reminded what is truly important for my home. I DO desire for all of those who come through these doors to experience the joy, comfort, love, laughter, beauty, and peace that can only come through our Savior Jesus Christ! So today as I have been cleaning, I have not been looking around and wishing for things to fill in different shelves and spaces, but I have been praying for the couple who is coming over tonight for dinner and for our friends who will be here to play cards on Saturday night. I have been praying for the little feet that have been walking up and down and up and down and up and down the stairs this morning and for the little girl that has been rolling all over the floor! I have been praying for the man who will walk through the door at 5 PM today from a hard days work, hoping he will be able to find rest and laughter when he arrives!

It's time to get my girlies up right now, so hopefully tonight or tomorrow I can add a couple more quotes to the list!


Anonymous said...

You are such an encouragement! What a great reminder. Thanks for sharing!

Mimi said...

What beautiful reminders!I thank God for moms who are called to stay at home, and do! Moms who are raising next generation, and demonstrate Christ's love in their homes all's not always easy, but I admire your perserverance, and dedication to the Truth!