Thursday, September 14, 2006

Snips and Curls!
Well, life has been a little busy lately =)! Nothing unusual, just taking care of our little darlings. Hopefully I'll get to write out some of the thoughts I've been wanting to put on paper all week before long. But for now, I only have a few minutes before I need to feed little Sydney! (I'll post some new pictures of her tomorrow!)

What girl doesn't enjoy being pampered? Around here, it has begun early and it is so much fun! Reagan loves having her hair curled and her Grannie sent over some rollers for her to wear last weekend. Although with all the humidity the curls don't last long, they sure are cute for a while!

Today I gave Reagan her first haircut! She was so cute and sat so still in her little yellow chair. She is so excited about being able to put her hair in her little box that says "First Haircut"! She just held it in her little hands as I cut it! And of course after it was all trimmed up we had to blow it dry and style it. Girls are just too much fun!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can hardly wait to see the "New Do" in person! Love the pictures...especially the ones with the rollers and her Mama's nightie!
