Tuesday, August 1, 2006

Long Weekend and Catch Up Monday!

Long weekends are a wonderful...we just had one this past weekend and it's worth all the work it takes to catch up the next week!

Friday morning Reagan got to hold her first little toad and that afternoon we pulled out the Play-Doh and made all kinds of fun pretend food. (Thanks Alyssa & Meredith!) Steve made Reagan a chocolate chip cookie and it must have looked real to her, because when we looked over at her she had taken a nice bite out of it! I'm sure it didn't taste as good as a Publix cookie!

Sydney found her thumb!!

Saturday we took the girls to Cananveral National Sea Shore. It was a beautiful, hot summer day and the water felt great! Reagan has been loving the water since swim lessons, but decided the beach was a little more than she bargained for this past Saturday! The first time she walked down to where the waves were breaking against the sand, one knocked her down and she didn't want to go near the water the rest of the day. But she loved making sand castles and watching the birds. Sydney is just such a little trooper! She hardly made a peep while she laid in her cute pink tent!

Our church just started having Sunday pick-up soccer games, so I thought I'd give them a shot! It seems like a looooonnnng time since I've put on a pair of cleats and played...what am I talking about?!?! It has been a LONG time since I played!!! 8 years!! But it was a blast! I'm looking forward to getting out there again. Next week Steve's going to play, too. It's a lot of fun playing with people who are really good and who play fair and have great attitudes. Reagan had fun on the sidelines and even got to take a couple of shots on goal...at half time, of course! And once again, Sydney was our little trooper...enduring the hot Florida afternoon. I know it won't be long at all until she is chasing her sister around!


Anonymous said...

You mean, 'til her sister is chasing HER around! =) Yes that joy will come before you know it and you'll have to dig hard in your memory (or in your case blog) to remember how small Sydney was and "inactive" compared to the active Reagan!
Emilyn found her thumb several weeks after birth too and still favors it--though I've caught her trying other fingers, she always comes back to that right thumb.

Anonymous said...

Great pictures....and good food for thought, Steve! I will have to stop and consider that. I love watching you & your little family live out your faith, Meghann...God IS SO GOOD, and that you appreciate each moment you spend with your girls (no matter WHAT you are doing) and realize it is by His Grace....IS a gift from God!!!