Saturday, August 5, 2006

She Did It!!!

Reagan decided to go potty on her "little girl potty" today!! She only went once, but we were all so excited. We clapped and cheered and jumped up and down! I can hardly believe she is big enough to go all by herself even though we have been trying for months (on and off). Hopefully she'll start going more and more on the "big potty" and we'll only have to buy one size of diapers instead of two!

Reagan also got to hold a Katydid (it looks like a grass hopper only with longer wings). Steve finds all kinds of bugs in the yard while he's mowing Saturday mornings and she likes being able to hold whatever he brings her way! I like observing them both from behind the sliding glass door where I know nothing is going to jump on me!!

Here's Sydney pushing herself up while having some floor time with her Daddy. She loves her little floor mat and the bright star that hangs above it and plays music!

Reagan is such a great little Mommy. Here she is giving Baby Chelsea a bath. She likes taking her for walks and giving her bottles, too. Tonight she even helped me give Sydney her bottle!

Every day I watch these little girls I am amazed at the gifts God has given me! Reagan makes us laugh all the time with her funny little questions and cute sayings.

Today was a fun and mostly relaxing Saturday, but it was also sad for me. (It will be for Reagan, too, once she realizes what it meant for Liam to leave in the big yellow truck!) Our neighbors moved to south Florida and we sure are going to miss them! When we first moved into our house we met Sean and Christina and little Sean and Chelsea and since we've been here we've been able to watch little Liam come into the picture! Christina stayed home full time after Liam was born and it was so nice having someone a couple of doors down to talk to during the day and for Reagan to have a little buddy to play with. It's fun to see who God brings into our lives for certain seasons, but it is sad to see that season come to an end. Thank goodness for email and digital cameras!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah! Good job, Reagan.....maybe now we can go shopping for some "big girl" panties! Won't that be fun??????? (You know, Grannie is ALWAYS looking for a reason to go shopping!!) Sydney is getting so big! She's a little doll. I love all the pictures and the updates and the comments.

Mama aka Grannie