Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Way Too Long!

I know, it's been way too long since I've updated my blog. I have hundreds of pictures I could post in catching up and lots of stories, too. It's almost overwhelming to think of blogging again, but I've really missed it!

Let's see, I'll do quick updates and hopefully I'll be able to post some new pictures tomorrow!

Steve has been home for a little while now and all of us girls just love that! He was off 11 days during the holidays and we were able to do some really fun things like go to Celebration and watch the "snow", have a movie/pizza/ice cream night, of course celebrate Christmas and New Years and spend some time with our friends and family. He just finished redoing our half bath and it looks so lovely now!

I'm now 19 weeks along! Baby is doing great so far! We get to see the little peanut tomorrow night - I'm so glad it's already time for another ultrasound. Somedays I have a ton of energy, but this week I've been pretty tired...we've been pretty busy, too, so I'm sure that has something to do with it!

Reagan is growing so much. I look at her and just think she is such a little girl! One of our friends gave us a really cool gift - an ABC Scripture book. So far she has learned the scriptures for letters "A" and "B"! She is also loving her new scooter...she thinks she is really big because we let her ride from our house to Ms. Anna's (which is 4 doors down) all by herself! (Don't worry - we are keeping a very close eye on her =)!!) Oh, and she loves "hugging" on her new "baby" (my big belly!).

Sydney is 20 months old! I can't believe it! She has definitely become a lot sweeter recently and is talking a little more. She likes to play with her dolls and they are learning to play house together. She even goes down the big slide in our backyard all by herself now! Both girls are really snuggly with me right now and I am loving it! They'll just sit in my lap and let me read to them or rock them! When I see how fast they are growing, sometimes I wish I could just freeze those little moments!


Medana22 said...

OMGosh, your stinkin' kidding me...I was just going to comment to see if you were still alive! Thanks for posting:)I cant wait to know what your having!! PLEASE Email me when you find out!!! Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Yay, a new post! I love reading your blog when I have a always have good things to read and Cade loves looking at pictures of just about anyone. Are you finding out what you are having tonight?!

Anonymous said...

Am so happy you are updating your blog! I check all the time to see if there are any new pics or any new news...don't want to keep asking, so just check....anyway, I know you have your hands full and don't have lots of "spare" time to do this, but love it when you do!
