Friday, May 23, 2008

We are Home!!!

We made it home yesterday a little before noon, and Jordyn and I have been trying to recover from our hospital stay =). Neither one of us slept much while we were up there, but we are making up for it now! My mom is staying with us for several days, which is an incredible blessing! She is making it so easy for me to get rest and recovered so we can get back into the "new normal" as soon as possible! Jordyn did GREAT last night! My Mom said she slept pretty much until it was time for her to eat each time! I hope she keeps it up! She's a little jaundice, so we have to take her to the doctor today. Also, the girls will come home this evening! I'm looking forward to having them home, too, but it's been nice to have a little time to rest before they get here! I'm sure they have been having a blast at their Citi and Grandpappy's house!

Here are some pictures...


Anonymous said...

aww... she is so precious.. makes me want to have another one...LOL!! Give her a BIG KISS AND HUG from her A.Chantelle and Harley... Can't wait to hold her! Take care!

Unknown said...

She is beautiful! Congratulations on your third daughter. Now you have to change the name of your blog!

Praise said...

Welcome Home! Aren't moms amazing! We are so blessed with the best. Enjoy your rest. Have fun with 3 this weekend. =)

Anonymous said...

I am so excited that Jordyn is finally here. I wish I could have visited you in the hospital, but we were on vacation. Can't wait to meet her!!! Get some rest.

Brad said...

Congratulations on your newest little girl. She is beautiful and you look great! What a great idea to have Reagan and Sydney with Steve's parents so you guys can get adjusted to having your third around the house. I'll be praying for lots of sleep and for her doctor's appointment to go smoothly. Love, Jill