Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Baby Jordyn is here! She was born at 11:09 AM this morning. She weighed in at 7 lbs 15 oz and was 19 inches long. Meghann is doing well and had a really easy and fast delivery. I posted a couple of pictures of her below.

Heading off to the hospital.

There she is!


Anonymous said...

I'm so happy for you! Congratulations on another little lady to train to love, serve and glorify God. I pray she will rise to bless you and to live her life in passionate devotion to the One who gave her to you. She is SO blessed to have you both as her parents!

We love you!
Benny and Sheree

Melodye said...

Congratulations!!! I'm so excited for you and grateful that your labor and delivery was a quick one....and only 7lbs. 15oz???? She's a peanut for a Roberts baby! :-) Can't wait to meet her in person.

Love you!

Michelle Twining said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! We can't wait to meet the newest member of the Steve and Meghann Roberts' Family! Welcome, Jordyn!


The Twinings

Anonymous said...

Give her a kiss and hug from her A.Chantelle... She is too sweet. Send me some more pictures where I can see her better.. You look GREAT!!


Anonymous said...

Give her a kiss and hug from her A.Chantelle... She is too sweet. Send me some more pictures where I can see her better.. You look GREAT!!


Praise said...

Welcome baby Jordyn!! I can't wait to hold you. Congrats Steve and Meghann. I am so happy to hear how wonderful the delivery was.

Jennifer Lightfoot said...

Oh my goodness! She's beautiful - I can't wait to meet her!! And Meghann you are amazing!!!!!

Love and kisses,
Auntie Jenn

Cher said...

Praise the Lord!!! Congrats!
Mama and baby look beautiful.

Love, Cherilyn

Medana22 said...

YEA!! She's here! CAn you believe how fast heartburn goes away:) and I hear your nurses had all your supplies;) Cant wait for her and Sadie to be friends! LOVE YOU!

Anonymous said...

I'm so excited! I wish I could be there (I'm in Sarasota). I can't wait to see her toes ...

Love you girl = Danny