Wednesday, June 29, 2011


I know there are always trials around us. I know we live in a fallen world where there is pain and suffering and sadness and sickness. The last few months in particular, it seems like a lot of that has been very near. We've been near to families dealing with death, rebellion, barrenness, heartache, sickness and pain. I don't think there has ever been a time in my life where the Lord has given me such a burden, and such a hope for others. And not just a "Just believe in Jesus and it will be okay" (said with a big cheesy smile), but a "I've been able to look back and see God's faithfulness and I truly believe He is who He says He is and His Word is true and He will remain faithful through every circumstance."

The beginning of the year the Lord lead me to two places in His Word and I have been camped out there for the most part this year. One is Romans 8:28 - "And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose." The other is Hebrews 11 which recounts the faithfulness of God. On many days I have had to cry out to God to really and truly make my heart believe Romans 8:28, for when I just see the pain someone is walking through, it can be hard to remember that not only is it for God's glory (that would be enough), but it is also for the good of those who love Him. And I must stand on the solid rock of His Truth!

There is another verse of Truth that I think on regularly right now, too. It is Jeremiah 32:17 "Ah, Lord God! It is You who made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and by Your outstretched arm! Nothing is too hard for You." What hope I find in that Truth! When I find myself struggling with the same sin, or am talking to someone dear to me who is having to make decisions that seem unbearable, I can remember that God can do anything at any moment. He can change a heart of stone (He changed mine!). He can heal a sick and broken body. He can give the barren woman children! He can open hearts to believe and trust in Him! He can give those in the midst of tragedy peace and a heart that runs to Him, not from Him! And if we are alive in Christ, an eternity awaits us where we will be in the presence of the Most Holy and there will be no more sin, no more suffering, no more tears!!

1 comment:

Hannah Elisabeth said...

Thanks for sharing!!! :)

