Tuesday, June 10, 2008

A 4 Year Old, A 3 Week Old, and A Super-Hero 2 Year Old!

On June 4th, Reagan turned 4!! What a big girl she is and such a big helper! We had her and Sydney's birthday party together last month, so her Aunt Sissy and
the girls made yummy cupcakes and came to spend the morning with us and have lunch! What a fun treat! I think Reagan likes being 4 now! She was able to move up into the 4 year old class at church which she loves. Yesterday she told me all about the story she learned about and who was in her class and what her teachers were like! What a memory this little girl has! Let's see, what are her favorite things to do right now? Kiss her baby sister, color, draw, read, play Leapster LMax, and Legos. Oh, and as I said before, she is such a helper! She is eager to help me with whatever I ask her...oh, except dirty diapers!!

Jordyn is 3 weeks old today and she is growing! I took her to the doctor last week and she had gained almost a pound! Her cheeks are growing by the day! She is such a sweet little baby. She's starting to look at us a little more and I think I've even seen a grin or two!! Her favorite thing right now is her swing (I think it may be mine, too!!). She was punching both sides of the bassinet yesterday, so down it came and up went the pack-n-play! Now she has more room! She is rolling up on her side which is crazy to me! We moved her in her own room a few days ago and she's doing great in there...and we are getting more sleep, too!

And now to our Super-Hero 2 Year Old!! Sydney, our little ham, likes to run around with Jordyn's bath towel after she's all dry and act like Super Man! She is our silly one for sure! She makes me laugh daily. It's amazing how much her countenance has changed over the last couple of months! Her favorite things to do these days are playing baby dolls, playing with her Dora stuff and watching Barney. Oh, and we took all the girls to the KangaRoom - a bounce house place - on Saturday and Sydney had a blast! She even climbed up the really big slide all by herself. We've been before, but Sydney wasn't really interested in it. This time it was so much fun to watch her and Reagan running from thing to thing and having so much fun! Oh, and it's a great way to wear out the little kids. (and big kids - b/c you can do all the things the kids can do!)


Anonymous said...

Grannie says....so cute! Yes, Sydney is definitely enjoying "hamming it up." We're seeing quite a new side of her.

Anonymous said...

Grannie says....again....
Oh, I didn't see the slide show before I posted the previous note...ALL the girls are sooooo cute and growing so fast! Looks like everyone had fun!

Mimi said...

That Jordyn tummy looks VERY FULL!!SHe will be outgrowing the Pack N Play before you know it!

Jennifer Lightfoot said...

So...did Reagan 'member Auntie Jenn? ;o)

Anonymous said...

Love all the pictures!!! Keep posting.. Talk to you soon.. Love,Telle