Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Love Your Enemies

How do I respond in the midst of conflict?

How do I respond when I'm hurt?

How do I respond when I'm sinned against?

How do I respond when someone takes advantage of me?

How do I respond when someone "hurts my feelings"? (I added this one.)

These are some of the questions our pastor, Aaron, started his message with this past Sunday. He spoke from Luke 6:27-36 on loving our enemies. It was excellent and worth listening to and listening to again. I can't think of any enemies I have, but we don't have to have enemies to be challenged by this passage of Scripture. We can simply have friends or children or a spouse!!! (The Lord gave Steve and I an opportunity to put what we learned Sunday morning into practice Sunday evening - over a dumb phone charger!)

Here are just a few lines from his message. And here is where you can listen to it! I just checked and they don't have it up yet, but hopefully it will be on there soon!

The ability to love our enemies is an evidence of God's work and grace in our lives.

Do I allow bitterness to take root in my heart?

What do I do when someone says something I don't want to hear?

When we are consumed with ourselves it is hard to love others.

Jesus is kind to the ungrateful and evil. (This is probably what stood out to me the most...especially in this season of training my girls in being grateful and how I so easily get offended and angry when they don't seem grateful when I think I've done something so wonderful for them!)

God builds His kingdom through forgiveness.

How I respond in these moments reveals how much I really grasp the Gospel.

Love is proactive. It LOOKS like blessing, being kind, doing good, constantly giving.

We must fight to love.

OK, so those are just a few nuggets from the message. You can't wait to listen to it now, right?!?!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Sounds like a good one for training all right :) thank you for the reminder in the midsts of a difficult day! Love you!