Monday, September 8, 2008

Silly (String) Saturday!

Saturday was a pretty labor intensive day for my sweet husband. See, our neighbor's water pipe had a leak in it so Steve set out to dig it up and fix it after he mowed the yard. In the process of getting to her pipe, poor guy cut our pipe! But amazing handyman that he is, he had them both fixed by mid afternoon and still had a smile on his face when he came inside!

He is traveling again and needed to pick up a few things from Wal-Mart...a store we avoid on weekends if at all possible! But he HAD to go and I found some good deals that I wanted to pick up from there, so we loaded our crew up and headed to the store. He and I went separate ways so he could get a couple of gifts for the girls for while he's gone and so I took Reagan so she wouldn't see what he was doing!! When we got home he had also picked up Pez dispensers for the kiddos and Silly String. (I like when he goes shopping - I stick to my list and he gets the fun stuff!) So we took the girls outside and he gave them their candy (which Sydney inhaled!) and we attacked them with Silly String. It was so funny to see their reactions (or lack there of)! Reagan thought it was great and Sydney...well, Sydney didn't know what to think! She just sat there and took the attack!

And the fun didn't end there for the night! I have to brag on my husband! He has been doing so well planning our date nights recently! Saturday night was our date night in and we made homemade chocolate chip and oatmeal cookies, had good conversation and then played Mortal Kombat - the part that's like Dr. Mario...I usually kick tail at that game, but not was a pretty even match!

Now that was a good Saturday!


Anonymous said...

Mama says....looks like ya'll had a fun day....what memories you are making with your precious little girls! Only missed seeing a picture of Jordyn....guess she's too young for silly string!

Janelle Morrison said...

It is not physically possible for your girls to grow that much in less than a month-- what are you feeding them?!!!!

Oh my gosh, they are so precious. My heart is melting. I miss them SO much.

I love silly string!