Tuesday, July 1, 2008

My Dad

A couple of weeks ago I found out that my dad had an aggressive form of cancer and the doctors did not expect him to live more than 6 weeks. So, two weekends ago we packed up and headed to Alabama. The kindness of God was evident the entire trip. His kindness towards my Dad, towards my Aunt Pat and towards us. I was amazed at what a peaceful trip we had. My dad and I were able to have so precious hours alone to talk and we all had time together as a family. The girls loved being there and playing loving on their Grandpa. I am so thankful that we were able to make the trip and see him while he was still at home. My aunt graciously gave up her house (which is adjoining to my dad's place) for us and kept us very comfortable. This amazing lady has cared for my dad for the last 15 years. Early this morning my dad passed away.

The peace of God is such a wonderful gift and I feel like I've been swimming in it since we made the trip. I am forever grateful for the last moments and conversations I was able to have with my dad. I am learning to trust the Lord through each and every situation and with each and every life of the people I love. He is making me more and more aware that I say I trust Him, but when the test comes, am I really trusting Him? And as I press into His caring arms I become more and more aware of my need for Him. Thank you so much to those of you who have been praying for my dad and for us!


Jennifer Lightfoot said...

I am praying for you!!



Tammy said...

Tears flowing as I read your post and look at the pictures. Praying that God will continue to pour out His love and peace during this time

Anonymous said...

You know I"ve been praying for you...
Lainey was looking over my shoulder at the photos on your blog and said "There's Pepe!" (my stepdad, Jacques!)

I'm so thankful you have known God's peace and grace in this time.

I pray it for your hero aunt, too...
