Sunday, June 1, 2008

What's to Fear? All the Grace We Need is Available for Us Today!

I've heard the following quote quoted several times recently and it's one of my favorites right now. I also love what Nicole (from the Girl Talk Blog) says at the end of the quote...there's no grace for my imagination. It seems so easy to allow my mind to wander - about my children, my husband, the world, etc. and to become fearful about the "what ifs", but there is not grace for those thoughts, there IS grace and mercy that God gives us each day sufficient for THAT day! So, here's part of the post from Nicole...

This morning Ian Duguid helped me do away with these anxious wonderings. He was commenting on the well-known story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego in the fiery furnace:

“God has not promised to give us the grace to face all of the desperate situations that we might imagine finding ourselves in. He has promised to sustain us only in the ones that he actually brings us into. He therefore doesn’t promise that we will be able to imagine how we could go through the fire for his sake, but he does promise that if he leads us through the fire, he will give us sufficient grace at that time. Like manna, grace is not something that can be stored up for later use: each day receives its own supply” (Iain Duguid, Daniel, p. 53).

That’s right, there’s no grace for my imagination. But there’s plenty of grace for whatever God has ordained for me to walk through. My job? Declare Jesus as Lord today and not imagine "a graceless tomorrow."

And here are a couple of pictures of our girlies!
Sweet Sisters!

She's such a sleepy head!


Debi Walter said...

What precious little girls! It was great seeing you at service today with tiny Jordyn. What a blessing number 3 is! Are you going to change the name of your blog? Or are you planning on have four children!? :-)

Jennifer Lightfoot said...

I was so happy to meet baby Jordyn finally! She's just beautiful - although a bit smaller in person. :o)

What a great quote and mindset to have! I really need to keep that in the forefront of my thoughts these days...

Love and miss you,

Anonymous said...

Grannie says....YES, you & Steve are truly blessed with three precious, adorable little girls. God is GREAT!! Am glad to see that Sydney finally seems to enjoy having her picture taken....maybe now we'll get some really good ones!

Anonymous said...

Yes, praise Him for HIs grace and ever-PRESENT help in time of need... Great reminder... I'm trusting that for my L&D when my time comes!!
LOVE the sissy photos...can't wait to meet Jordyn one day...

Anonymous said...

I love the Grace thoughts, quotes, and truths...thanks for the reminder! more precious little Roberts girl!!! WOW!!!