Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Jordyn is a whole week old today!

*Jordyn had her first bath at home yesterday. It seemed to wake her up for a while! I think there are few things sweeter than a clean little soft baby!

* We had our first family outing today! Guess where we went?!?! Costco. That's right. That's one of the girls favorite lunch places. So it was off to Costco for hot dogs! It was so nice to get out for a little while! (I was beginning to get a little stir crazy!)

Other than that, Reagan and I had a "spa" afternoon. She has sparkling fingers and princess pink toes and was able to put on some of my smell-good lotion! Sydney and Steve went on a bike ride. Sydney came back one happy little girl!!

Friday, May 23, 2008

We are Home!!!

We made it home yesterday a little before noon, and Jordyn and I have been trying to recover from our hospital stay =). Neither one of us slept much while we were up there, but we are making up for it now! My mom is staying with us for several days, which is an incredible blessing! She is making it so easy for me to get rest and recovered so we can get back into the "new normal" as soon as possible! Jordyn did GREAT last night! My Mom said she slept pretty much until it was time for her to eat each time! I hope she keeps it up! She's a little jaundice, so we have to take her to the doctor today. Also, the girls will come home this evening! I'm looking forward to having them home, too, but it's been nice to have a little time to rest before they get here! I'm sure they have been having a blast at their Citi and Grandpappy's house!

Here are some pictures...

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Good Morning, Daddy and Sissies!

I'm up and ready to see you all this morning. I was a good little girl for Mommy last night and I'm all sweet and clean this morning! The doctors have been poking and prodding me today and I haven't liked that too much, but they say I look healthy and good! They want to see my sisters! Daddy, Mommy is ready for you to take over changing my diapers today! My eyes are wide open...see you soon!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Oh What A Wonderful Day!

Praise the Lord, we have another healthy girl!!! We have had a great day! As Steve said in the last post, labor and delivery was wonderful - and very fast! I've had wonderful nurses all day and baby Jordyn has been doing so well! We are winding down for the evening - hopefully we will all get a good night's rest. Thank you all for your prayers and care! We don't want to take for granted this amazing blessing of a day - not only do we have another healthy baby, but the entire experience has been great so far! I can't wait to post some more pictures tomorrow!
Baby Jordyn is here! She was born at 11:09 AM this morning. She weighed in at 7 lbs 15 oz and was 19 inches long. Meghann is doing well and had a really easy and fast delivery. I posted a couple of pictures of her below.

Heading off to the hospital.

There she is!

Monday, May 19, 2008


Well, unless she decides to make her debut sooner, Jordyn will be here tomorrow! We are scheduled to go to the hospital at 6 AM tomorrow morning to be induced. I'm 3 cm dilated and having some contractions, so hopefully we will make it 'til the morning!

Please be praying for a safe delivery and a healthy baby girl!

Reagan has been bouncing off the walls since I got home! I think she's a little excited about this little girl we've talked about for so long finally coming out of my belly! I can't wait to see what she looks like and hold her! Hopefully we'll be able to get a little rest this evening! Oh, and hopefully my hubby will be able to post some pictures early tomorrow!


Happy Birthday, Steve! What a gift you are to me. I thank God everyday for you. You are my dreams come true! This year I hope you see the Lord move in amazing ways in your life. I pray that you will see your prayers answered and marvel at His grace at work in your life.

Reagan baked you some chocolate chip cookies with sprinkles for you to have when you get home tonight! =)

Jordyn's Shower!

Last Monday was quite a crazy day! I went to the doctor in the morning and she sent me to the hospital to be monitored a little bit. One problem - there were babies galore being born and my shower was only 4 hours away! I knew I probably wasn't a priority, but sure didn't want to miss little Jordyn's shower! We made it out just in time (well, we were a few minutes late!). I was blessed beyond words! The whole evening was so encouraging and fun. We had yummy fondue and Jordyn got some really fun and cute things...and there was LOTS of pink!!

Oh boy! I can't wait for her to get here so we can dress her up and let her play with her toys and snuggle with her blankets...

Disney World!

We took the girls to Disney World a few weeks ago. Steve took off on a Friday and we had a blast! The girls loved it! Reagan is big enough to ride Thunder Mountain Railroad and she and Steve rode the cars, too! Sydney cried for the first 1/2 hour we were there, but other than that, she had a great time, too! They did great and we were so grateful to have some fun family time together! Oh, and if you go anytime soon, you have to get one of their cream cheese stuffed pretzels...they are super yummy!

More Beach Pictures!

JJ took some fun pictures of the girls and I while we were in Destin. I was waiting to post them until I made a frame for Steve! Oh, and as you'll notice, one of our little darlings enjoys having her picture made a lot more than the other one!!