Sunday, September 23, 2007

Sanctifying Saturday!

Saturday we woke up to beautiful weather! As soon as Steve left we loaded up all our stuff (well, at least all I could think of at the time) and made our way to the beach. Try to visualize this...

One mom, a 3 year old, a one year old, a large beach bag with sunscreen, towels, etc, a brown paper bag full of beach toys, a camera bag, two swim rings, a baby float, a beach ball, and I think that's it. What a sight to behold, huh?!?!

We made our way down the elevator and to the beach. Once down there Sydney whined, and whined and whined. Poor girl, she fell right in the sand and then wiped her eyes and got sand in her that point (about 8:40 AM) she was done! Reagan loved the beach and found a couple of friends to play with. Thankfully their mommy and daddy let us visit with them under their tent! Sydney calmed down a little bit and then I realized I forgot all snacks and drinks! Once again, thanks to the lovely couple with the tent - the other mommy broke out a bag of pretzels! Sydney was happy once again!! Then we headed for a nice refreshing swim in the pool. Reagan decided at that moment she was in no mood for a swim. After working with her, we headed upstairs to call it a day! (It's about noon now!) We all went down for a good nap...something we all needed! The girls were challenging all day, and by that evening I was in tears, too! Thankfully Steve got home around 7 and we all went for a walk on the beach. It was wonderful having time to talk with him and be encouraged and reminded of the Truth by him that evening.

Also, all day, even though I was battling with my own impatience and anger, the Lord kept reminding me of this verse:

"This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24 grateful I am that we serve a merciful and kind God. How grateful I am that He is faithful to forgive me when I ask Him. How grateful I am that He is allowing me to train my children to see their sin and experience freedom from having a guilty conscience by leading them to the cross through discipline and repentance. Even after our challenging day, we were able to walk on the beach as a family - healthy, happy, and loving each other all the more!

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