Monday, August 29, 2011

First Day of School - 2011!

Today we embarked on our third year of home schooling. We began the day with donuts - a first day of school tradition! Vacationing the week before school started was a great idea, and I was really excited about coming home and jumping into a routine and spending time with the girls. I'm also very aware of my need for the Lord to help me teach and train up these little girls! I'm looking forward to seeing how this year unfolds and what all we learn.

Sydney started kindergarten today and did amazing! She did so much better than I thought she would and her favorite subject today was reading. We'll see what it is tomorrow!

My favorite "Sydney-ism" today was when we were talking about the creation story in the Bible and what God created on the different days. She stopped me and asked me what it was like when God created the clouds. I asked her what she meant and she very matter of fact asked me what I was thinking when God created the clouds - since I was there. I asked her how old she thought I was. She said "four-hundred-ish". Oh my, I know the thirties have brought a few wrinkles with them, but really - "four-hundred-ish"?!?!

Reagan began 2nd grade and we are adding some subjects like history and science this year. Oh, and piano!! She loved history - which is really good, because so do I. She told me her wrist was so sore from writing today - I didn't tell her today was an easy day!! =) I loved that when they went outside to play after school, they made a ship (the "Santa Maria") out of an old trailer back in the yard and were playing like they were Admiral Prissy Pants and Admiral Josephina answering to Christopher Columbus!!

And Jordyn, well, she's a little magna doodle obsessed these days. So she just spent hours drawing by herself! I'll take it while it lasts!

I'm aware of my inadequacies. I'm also aware that God's grace is way greater. For that I am so grateful. If I focus on myself, quickly I get anxious. If I focus on the Lord and His faithfulness, I am able to trust that He is more than enough and He gives wisdom when we seek Him. So, hopefully as we set out on a new year of schooling, we will find ourselves seeking Him more and knowing Him better!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

haha!!! oh that sweet little Sydney :) miss watching them grow up! miss you sweetie!!!