Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Blog...What's That?

March 8? Seriously, that was the last time I blogged? I'm feeling like time is flying by and I'm trying to grab it by the coattails as it zooms past! Mama, you've probably fallen out of your seat by now as you see a new entry listed!

So, now I don't know what to do...updates galore again or start from this day and move forward? A few updates just so I don't forget! =)

Since April, we've had 7 birthdays to celebrate, our anniversary and Mother's Day. Steve and I both turned 30 this year, Reagan 6, Sydney 4 and Jordyn 2. And we celebrated 9 years together!

Quick updates:

Me - Yep, I really turned 30. My sweet hubby took me away for my birthday and shopping for a night and day. It was very sweet of him, but I'm not sure we'll do it again for a long, long time. The going away part I hope we get to do again soon =). The shopping together part, not so much! It was a good and revealing getaway and Friday night was a lot of fun, but come Saturday some ugliness began to exude from my heart and has continued to be revealed through multiple situations. Although I'm so thankful for revelation, the Cross of my precious Savior, being able to repent, a husband who has been patient and kind, it has been a bit of a difficult season for me personally. But God is faithful and He is answering my prayers and for that I'll gladly take the pain of seeing my sin if it means I get to see more of His holiness and goodness!

Steve - He is a man of many talents! He's been working hard at work (as always), working hard on the house, and growing - by God's grace - in many different areas. And he still finds time to make us laugh everyday! The girls and I went to Orlando for a week and he worked his regular job during the day and worked on putting in new doors, painting, putting in trim, etc. in the house at night. Amazing!

Reagan - our little LuLu finished school right before we headed to Orlando and has been enjoying her summer so far! She just turned 6 and I love her quote of the day on June 4..."This is the best 6 year old day of my WHOLE life!" She got her first bike and has surprised me by how well she is riding. She continues to be a super helper and a super talker! =) She makes breakfast in the morning for her and her sisters, dusts the stairs, living room and our room, loves reading and making mud pies! She also loves visiting our neighbors and is asking more and more questions about the Lord which has made for some precious conversations lately!

Sydney - all you have to do is say "diaper" and you'll have her rolling! She is a stinker, but a very funny stinker! She also got a bike for her 4 year old birthday and has been doing really well riding, too! The first time she rode it she flipped down our little hill, so it took her a little while to get up the courage to try again. The other day I put them in the tub after they had been outside for hours, and I went to pull out her braid and realized her hair and scalp were just full of dirt. She informed me she was just trying to bury her head in the dirt. I had to wash her hair about 10 times and I'm sure I didn't get it all out! I never know what she's going to say...or do!

Jordyn - is 2 now! She is growing and changing and I'm so grateful for the changes I've seen in her over the last few months. She is a tough cookie, but God is at work in her and in us! She hasn't been passing out for the last probably month and a half, but she has started stomping her feet and hitting. BUT she's also started responding so much quicker, and loving on her sisters more, and talking a bit, and she LOVES to dance - especially when we listen to music in the car! I love when we turn into our driveway and she yells "HOME" and gets excited. Today I took her to our neighbors to play and she and I bounced on the trampoline and I didn't want to stop because I've never seen her laugh so hard! She was snorting she was laughing so hard!!

The house - we've been enjoying our home! I've been a little antsy to finish up some of the not so fun projects (like painting trim) and move onto some more fun projects, but we are also really trying to live life too and not be consumed by the home projects. Thankfully, Steve is better at balancing that than I am and having 3 little kids has limited the time I can paint, etc.! I want to enjoy the immense blessings we've been given, be wise with our time, and one day finish the windows! =) We have really been enjoying hours in our yard. The girls will play out there as long as we'll let them, Steve loves to work in the yard and so do I (I even got to mow for hours the other day which I love!) and we love to sit on our front porch and talk and read and watch the little animals run around. I've been going out almost every morning now to drink my coffee and read and journal, and there is much to be said about being outside and being still before the Lord before the whirl of the day begins!

OK, I do believe my Starbucks is wearing off so it's time to wrap up the updates. Oh, so much more has happened, but I think I'm going to start fresh and maybe pop in some of what I've missed blogging about over the last couple of months with pictures!


flfreckles.blogspot.com said...

Can't wait to see what else you share :) I need to start doing mine again :) LOVE hearing all that is going on in your lives. Praying for you all!!

Anonymous said...

Mamma says....YEAH!!!! I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOO glad to see this....and Yes, I ALMOST fell off my chair....There have been many times I wanted to ask when, when, when are you going to blog, but knowing how much you have to do refrained.....for me, that's progress! Anyway, I loved reading all you said and laughed at Sydney sticking her head in the dirt....hadn't heard about that....now, to look at the pictures....hope you have a wonderful day. Love you!