Sunday, March 7, 2010

Updates Galore!

A little behind in the blog world, so now time to catch up a bit while hubby and I sit with our laptops on our front porch (where it is NOT freezing cold) as deer walk nearby! Ahhh, good times!

So, lets see here. Since I last blogged LOTS has happened! My little girls have been growing and changing. Let me start with Reagan...

My 5 1/2 year old blondie is becoming quite adventurous at our new home. She's a scooter riding, swing set playing, turkey chasing, leaf raking, branch hauling cutie pie! She's loved playing outside and really likes when there are turkeys in the yard or she gets to go back in the woods. (She is her daddy's daughter!) She's been a big helper, too. Saturday she just raked and raked! She's lost her two front teeth. The 2nd one she pulled while we were in Publix. She was so excited that she just bounced all around the store. I'd be excited, too. The tooth fairy has not been affected by the current economy and gives quite a pay off for lost teeth! She loves her art class and has made some cool projects. Last week she made a clay necklace. I can't wait to see it when she brings it home tomorrow. She's making breakfast and lunches for her and her sisters which is a huge help and cleans the stairs and empties the dishwasher. She's all into drawing birds and writing chapter books! They are so cute. School is still going really well. This last week especially she has been eager to do her work and get it done so she can play with her sissies!

Sydney is growing, too. She's thinning out like crazy and I just moved her into 4Ts. She's a snuggle bug these days. She, too, has been a big helper. Today she hauled a bunch of limbs for me while we worked in the yard and she was super cute! She still keeps us laughing and says some funny things - mostly to do with diapers or bottoms. She loves going to Publix and talking to people there. She's not quite as adventurous at the house yet, but that's fine with me. She loves being pulled around in the wagon and riding in the cart behind the lawn mower, though! I have to get some pictures soon!

And Jordyn, well our little Jordyn finally decided to walk at 20 months old! She just took off! Yep, that's right, all in one day and hasn't stopped since! She's changed SO MUCH and we are so grateful! She's been happier and quicker to obey. She loves playing baby dolls with her sisters and looking at books. She loves when Steve walks in the room and telling everyone we pass by "hi". Thankfully God has been working in my heart, too, and I really enjoy being with her now. She has been a difficult child to say the least, but I can't imagine my world without her. I love when she walks up and gives me kisses or says "more" or dances when I turn on the music, or knocks down her sisters' blocks or gets excited to get a cookie, or sings Holy God (I can tell that's what's she singing!) or snuggles with her blankie! She still passes out pretty often, but the screaming is getting less!! Oh my, I could go on and on about these girls. I still can't believe sometimes that this is my life. God is surely good!


Amanda said...

I don't believe what I'm seeing, an update on your blog!!!! :) Love to hear all the happenings! Enjoy your warmth!

Janelle Morrison said...

oh how i miss you.